You must have been on autopilot when you dragged yourself into your room and got out of your dirty clothes because you didn't even know how you did it or even remembered changing into a white tank top and grey sweats. The second you collapsed on your bed you grabbed your body pillow, cuddled into it, and let everything out.

You hated yourself for ever thinking you had the slightest chance with Liam after all these years. You hated yourself for never telling your friend Hayden about your feelings towards Liam, hoping she would never break the girl code. You hated yourself for not speaking up sooner because now it's too late. You needed an escape, even if it was temporary. Suddenly it came to you, you had to get away. The Dread Doctors were still out there, and you knew leaving now would be selfish, but you knew if you stayed, you would be too focused, too distracted, too hurt by Liam and Hayden. You wouldn't give the pack your full attention and dedication to stop The Dread Doctors. So you wiped away the tears, pulled away from your pillow, and grabbed your phone. You opened up a new email to your dad:

Going out of town for the weekend with friends. I'll keep in touch.

You lied, knowing he wouldn't be home for another week.

You opened another new email and added two emails addresses for the same message:

Need to get away. No one knows and I don't want any one to know but you two. Don't call either, as certain ears from the pack are always around no matter how far I may be. I'll explain later.

Packing my things tonight and hopping on the first flight out. I'll email you again with my flight information.

Xoxo, Y/N

You grabbed your suitcases from your closet and packed everything in it. You threw your clothes from the closet, tossed more clothes from your dresser, and packed a variety of shoes in a duffle bag. When you were done you grabbed your laptop and bought the next flight out to your destination. Your phone chimed, signaling a new email from your father.

Okay. See ya soon.

Again, if this had been on a different day, time, and situation, your dad's simple email would have bugged you. The feeling of him not caring would come rushing back. He's supposed to question everything first before letting you go. Where are you going? Who are you going with? When will you be back? Can you please text, call, and email me at least twice a day to make sure you're still alive? Do you need money? But right now, Y/N was glad he wasn't questioning anything or simply telling you that you couldn't go anywhere until he was home.

You rushed over to your bathroom, turning both nobs of the shower all the way. The pressure of the water was loud enough to distract any werewolves trying to listen in from two houses down just in case. You dialed the number for a taxi and asked them to pick you up another two houses down. Again, you couldn't risk getting caught. As soon as you hung up after the lady told you a taxi would be there in about five minutes, you turned off the water and your phone buzzed in your hand, signaling another new email.

We won't ask questions till you get here. Let us know your flight information and we'll pick you up at the airport.

Can't wait to see you. We've missed you too much.


You wanted to smile because everything was finally working in your favor, but you remembered why you were leaving in the first place. You quickly responded to the email what time your flight would arrive.

Before you grabbed your bags, you pulled out a paper and wrote in cursive, 'Sorry', and folded it in half on top of your nightstand, where you knew someone would find it.

You grabbed your stuff, headed out the door, and locked it behind you. You turned around when you reached your mailbox and took one last look at your house. You told yourself you were only leaving for a week. Just one week. But for some reason it felt like it was goodbye.

You got away with it. You left town without anyone catching you. As soon as you got on the flight you wrote a long email to the pack, adding everyone's emails but Liam's. Sure it wasn't fair of you to do that, he is, was, your best friend and he of all people deserved the truth, but what are you supposed to do when the truth is it's his fault? It was better to cut all ties with him until you were ready, whenever that may be.

You saved the email as a draft and would send it when you arrived to your destination. It was a long night. You were completely drained emotionally, physically, and mentally, and you had another 10 hours to go. You closed your eyes, hoping you would sleep the rest of the flight.

10 hours later

After getting off the terminal, you quickly turned on your phone and sent the email. Not bothering to check your incoming alerts except for two text messages.

We're here.

We'll wait in front of security.

You made your way through the crowded and loud airport. It was like bees squirming inside a beehive, moving, hovering, and working non-stop. As soon as you exited the terminal, you saw two familiar figures turning around, their soft electric blue irises meeting your tired hazel eyes. The taller one had a scarf wrapped securely around his neck. His chocolate brown curls were a little bit longer than you last saw him. It was different, but it was a look that was working in his favor. His lips formed into his signature devilish smirk. You couldn't help but smirk back, realizing how much you've missed it.

Your eyes moved towards the guy next to him. He's tall but shorter than the first guy. Nothing about him has changed, and you find some comfort in that. He wore the same black jacket he wore every day in the winter two years ago. His dark brown hair was still short and clean; his short bangs gelled up, giving it that spiky look to it. His lips tugged forward into a smile, showing off his perfectly white straight teeth.

You stood in front of them, debating who to hug first. "I've missed you guys so much," you whispered, tears brimming at the edge of your baggy eyes.

"We've missed you too," the curly haired boy said as they both reached in to hug you. You held them tight, one in each arm, letting the tears falling from your cheeks. They knew you were in pain. They could feel it. They could sense it. They could smell it. So they held on to you for as long as you needed them.

You finally pulled away, feeling a hand cup your cheek and wipe away the fallen tears. "Thanks, Isaac."

"You're welcome."

"Can I just ask you one question, and I promise I won't ask you anything else until you're ready to talk?"

"Of course, Jackson."

"Did you leave because of a boy?" Jackson asked, as he softly rubbed his hand up and down your forearm. "Or is it something else? Like someone else died?"

"It was a boy..." You trailed. Trying to avoid their gaze because you knew running away, actually flying half way across the world, from a stupid boy was a stupid reason.

"I told you!" Jackson smacked Isaac's shoulder.

"I can't wait to go back to Beacon Hills and kick that kid's ass," Isaac smirked.

For the first time in 13 hours, a soft chuckle escaped your mouth as you smiled at them. "Y'all haven't changed one bit...." You trailed once more. "I've really missed you two."

"Come on," Jackson linked his arm with yours as Isaac took her carry on and backpack. "You're going to love Paris."

"How long are you planning on staying here?" Isaac asked as he led the way to the baggage claim.

"As of right now, a week... but I have a feeling that might change."

Teen Wolf's Liam Dunbar x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now