Chapter forty one: what dreams may come

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Chapter forty one: what dreams may come

Shadens pov:

I was cooped up in a shit motel, as usual. This time the tables were turned, I was the one who wanted to share a room with them. Certainly I wasn't about to watch another black hole suck them up.

The so called meeting with Mr.Gerald went better than expected. After sam took the wheel in the conversation the CIA promised to not interfere with anything supernatural and if anything showed up on their radar, a list of available hunters, which dean and Sam had given to him, would be called. It was sort of like a hunting task force except with only hunters. It also wasnt off the ground yet. They still had many 'complications' to fix.

" pie, Sam, all I wanted was pie!" Dean screamed. I was trying to watch bad girls club the only show I could enjoy making fun of.

" if you idiots can't shut up I'm going to bed"

" yes please" Sam ordered.

" excuse me!"

" I hate watching slutty girls grinding up on men and pulling each others hair out, so please go to bed" he complained. Dean nervously scratched his forehead.

" I don't know Sammy I think it's pretty hot". I turned off the tv and headed to the bathroom flipping the bird at them from behind.

I washed up with a long hot shower and then just looked in the mirror at myself for a bit. I was about to be a doctor in a few years. Now I was right back where I started, what I wanted and longed for this past year. Being normal was like wearing an pretty, but uncomfortable prom dress. You had all the beauty but not the comfort.

My cell began to ring, this time it wasn't Ashley, but instead Jessica.

" Jess"

" hey girl, Ashley said you weren't coming back so like is it true?". Why did these girls have to make me feel guilty all the time.

" no I'm not coming back, can we talk another time I'm about to go to bed"

" look me and Ashley both agreed that you never told us about this brother in a coma thing and that your running away from us becuase of Sasha's death, bad crap happens to good people". Wasn't that true, I was a nice person four and a half years ago. I had a supposed family and a nice high school experience. Now with some bad dreams and a super hot demon boy, I was a hunter with more baggage than all three of the Kardashian sisters.

" I'm not upset about sasha, well I am but that's not why I left"

" why then stop making excuses, I know shaden". No Jessica you really don't.

" I'm busy we can talk later"

" Shade-". I cut off the phone and set it on the bathroom sink. Explaining myself to a bunch of college party gossipers why I was even in existence isn't my responsibility. Couldnt they just leave it at that, is this what normal friends are like?

I came back out of the bathroom and saw Sam sitting at the computer still. Dean was snoring his ass off asleep. Before I climbed into bed I walked into the kitchen and shut Sam's laptop in his face.

" hey what was that for"

" maybe if you slept more and worked less you wouldn't be so grumpy". He made his usual sour face at me.

" I'm trying to find out what the heck is on my back"

" good luck with that, now sleep" I ordered. I should have met them a long ago, I would have been the best mom ever.

Sleeping was a totally different thing now that I could. Instead of a place to fear it was more of a sanctuary. Losing the ability to sleep was torturous, even if I could it provided no comfort. Now I was free to dream and not unwilling watch a horrific or mind blowing scene ever again. Or so I thought because as soon as I drifted to sleep it started again.

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang