Chapter forty: 007

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Chapter forty: 007

Sam met us at the gates of the theme park. We were both battered but nothing serious.

" you two okay?"

Dean removed a bloody napkin from his head " were fine, did you burn ghost boy?".

" no I didn't why?"

" well someone did"

" that would be me". I knew Peter was the one behind me, but Sam and Dean bearly knew him and didn't know how close we'd gotten over the past year or so.

" James bond nice to see you again, didn't know you took up hunting" dean smirked. Peter made a sour sort of expression " I'm not a hunter, shaden didn't tell you?". Oh crap I wasn't expecting to run into him again and I wasn't going to tell my brothers about him.

" she didn't tell us what?"

" that I invited you guys to meet the head of the CIA and to maybe get some sort of hunters buisness going, you two look like you need the extra hand or two".

" Nawh I think we can manage without the ass poled government tagging along, no offense"

" none taken I couldnt agree more, but maybe we could at least get you guys some resources". Sam I could tell was contemplating the idea whist dean could give a shit about government help.

" how about you just tell those ass monkeys to stay out of the way and we'll be fine". Sam put a waring hand on deans shouler.

" Dean maybe we should consider going, were not buisy and it wouldn't hurt to get some help around here, I could name several situations where the government could have saved lives just by leaving us alone let along get us supplies and man power". Dean looked from Sam to peter and then to me.

" what?" I snapped after he looked at me for a bit.

" well what do you think". I really didn't know what to think I hadn't been doing this nearly as long as they have, how should I know.

" it's worth a shot" I guessed.

" so it's settled then, your going to meet Blake Gerald head of the CIA" Peter said hopeful.

" yeah I don't see why not since I've been out siblinged". I smiled weakly at Dean trying to say I wasn't too keen on the idea either.

Peters pov:

The headquarters in Virginia were almost like a home to me. I'd almost spent a decade and a half working here, not including all the training I had to go through. The usually familiar faces were staring at me with awe when I brought in the trio of hunters. I never thought Gerald believed me when I told him about the supernatural hidden world. Even I was surprised something so huge as the apocalypse could be hidden so easily. After I found out the first thing I did was look up old cases that involved any sort of weird deaths and realized this whole time half of these could be solved by a little out of the box thinking.

Gerald sat in his huge office as usual with my best friend Hannah inside. Recently I had been going out to keep an eye on Shaden, I knew that Keith had kept a promise to her brother that she would stay safe so I felt obligated to watch her too. She was just so young I couldn't bare seeing her lose the long life she had. Not only that but I have also been on a great deal of servalnce over in Europe. All of these lead to the only short moments I got to see Hannah. She deserved more of a friend than just a spy who comes in once in a while to make her laugh. The gossip around the CIA is that she has a thing for me and I would be a fool not to see it, even if I didn't see her that way.

" pete, what are you doing back here so early". Gerald thought I was still in Europe but I'd left almost two weeks ago after I heard about the deaths at shadens college.

" Mr. Gerald sir I've brought you, drum roll please, the winchesters".

" I can see that, so these are the hunter bimbos you keep talking about". The oldest, dean and the cockiest cleared his throat rudely.

" excuse me, heroes that saved the world" Gerald sarcastically grumbled.

" listen up suited monkey, I've saved this world more than just once and if it werent for me you'd been either be a zombie or Dick Romans third corse of long pig" Dean said. Hannah gave a surprisesd stare in my direction. No one, and I mean no one would have to balls to talk to Gerald that way. Gerald at most times was a nice, funny guy, but if he got mad I'm sure he'd probably take his anger out by nuking some island.

" excuse me, child but I believe you ment to thank me for ripping up your existence and taking your record out of the system" Gerald mumbled. Dean was about to retort but Sam intervined.

" yes thank you for that, deans just a bit bitchy sometimes". Sam gave a warning glare in deans direction so he'd shut his moulth.

" I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot, I've heard we could get some help from the CIA". Gerald handed a neat stack of folders to Hannah, who happy took them away. Before leaving she grabbed my sleeve and pulled me out of the room.

" so those are the phycos?"

" they're hunters, Hannah I swear if only you guys knew what was out there it's crazy". She nervously itched her hair with her free hand.

" alright what ever you say, it's not really that I don't believe the whole monsters and ghosts crap, what I dont believe is that those two are mentally stable". I put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

" yes deans a bit cocky, Sam is a giant, and shaden is an adrenaline junky but once you get to know them it's different, they sacrifice everything to help people". I could tell she rethought her opinion on them. She still hasn't and probably never will experience hunting and I hope she won't. Terrorists are one thing, and finding out that the monster under your bed was really there is another.


I'm sorry about another late upload

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