Chapter twenty one: the dibik box

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Chapter twenty one: the dibik box

Shadens pov:

I saw the caller Id on the phone and quickly answered it. It was Aubrey the witch.

" hello"

" shaden I've called you like five times!" she yelled.

" sorry I've been buisy"

" well can you get here I've got a serious problem, it's a dibik box"

" dibik box?"

" dibik is Hebrew for demon it's a demon box, it's a trap sort of it catches the demons soul and holds it there until opened when it can really stur up some shit"

" I'll be there" I told her. I walked past a half drunk dean who was chugging another beer.

" we need to go back to the old case I took something bad has happened"

" which one?"

" the one where I went back to school".

Within a day we were back at the town. Sam and dean had reached full level awkward and we were all just a drama sitcom with wheels. I'd had enough of there bickering about and I honestly was about to punch one of them.

" oh please like you never screwed up before dean, just like trusting a vampire"

" your the one to talk at least I didn't fuck a demon and drink her blood"

" ha ha very funny mr. Im-so-upset-about-being-in-pergatory your so distant from the fact I'd been in a cage with the brothers who have bigger grudges than the size of your ego". They continued to fight and fight so I decided to bud in.

" WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!". They both obeyed resting in their seats uncomfortably.

" you are family, FAMILY!, so I know as well as anyone that people have problems but you two by far are the most dysfunctional pair of hooligans I've ever met, for fucks sake you two hunt things and share the experience and you still continue to think the other has no clue what the other feels"

" shaden, its complicated" Sam began, but I held my hand up to stop him.

" no it's not you think I'm crazy right?, why would she want to join hunting when she had a life and was safe, well I wasn't safe I had a demon living under my nose and my life was a piece of shit anyway hunting has changed my perspective on everything, the world is so much more interesting than it was before, its well magical, and its not just about jealous bitchy teenagers and getting a good education it's how you survive". They shut up and kept quiet they really couldn't have a response to my amazing outburst. I met Aubrey in front of the school.

" look my brothers don't know your a witch and I'd like to keep it that way"

" I can do that we have to get the dibik box"

" alright we will give me the details"

" alright so there's an antique store not far from my home and every day I make sure that the box hasn't sold but when I got there yesterday it was gone"

" why didnt you just buy it yourself"

" I don't want that burden I can feel the negative energy just thinking about it"

" so what then"

" we have to find it before someone opens it"

" what happens if they do"

" they will most likely be dead in a moment and a very powerful demon will be free, but I have a spell to lock it back up"

" I could just think it to death"

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now