Chapter four: a sister?

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Chapter four: a sister?

Sams POV:

Two months earlier

Riding in a car from the sixties with your burping unhealthy food addicted brother isn't all its cracked up to be. I had been in here for three hours and already had enough. Lately I didn't quite get Dean. He's been quiet since his return from purgatory and won't breath a word of the truth to me. For heavens sake he's got a vampire for a friend.

"so what did you say we were working on," he asked with a mouth full of hamburger.

"of course you didnt listen the first time."

"Led Zeplin was on the radio Sam what do you think."

"were going to Davis California there's been some demon omens and some unusal killings."

"define unusual."

"two people die Friday at 3 am sharp with demonic symbols carved into their lungs."

"yeah that does sound pretty weird, but is it our kind of weird or weird like it could happen once and a while weird?"

I sighed "I guess we're going to have to find out."

Within a day we arrive at Davis with our FBI clothes and fake IDs, much to my pleasure to have a break from the impala.

"this is agent Paker and I'm agent Ross were from the FBI were investigating the unusual murders and came to inspect the bodies," Dean said.

"the FBI was already here," the dumb blonde corner office receptionist said.

"well there's always follow ups for this kind of stuff," I answered. She stared for a moment and then smiled and handed us the keys to the morge. We waltzed inside the freezer room and pulled some gloves on. We took out the first two of the four victims of the murders. It was a young blonde boy and a old pale woman. Dean pulled the clipboard off the top of the body and read the paper.

"says the cause of death is bleeding out, that's pretty hard to get exactly on the dot of 3 o'clock, don't you think?" he smirked, believing he was so incredibly smart.

"uh huh, and get this the symbols I've seen them before their not demonic they are enochian these are angels," I said.

"what how do you know?" Dean said leaning over to see the inside of the body.

"I've seen them before someone was trying to make an angel and they succeeded but then they just died, it was just a thing I read in a book somewhere."

"now who in the hell is trying to make angels, besides MAYBE angels," Dean chuckled.

"it makes sense alright, why else would there be these things," I said, pointing at the lungs.

"you think theres an angel around here trying to build an army or something?"

"no, maybe what else could it be?"

The door opened just as me and Dean were going to look at the other body.

"hello you guys FBI?" a man with a light beard and almost white hair asked me.

"yes we are," Dean said dumbly. It was clearly the FBI agent the blonde girl was talking about at the front desk.

"that's funny because the last time I checked you boys were dead," the man answered.

"boys?" I asked playing dumb.

"yeah the Winchester brothers the ones who went on a massacre right?"

It was obivious that are cover was blown so I prepared to knock the guy out cold to get away.

"well I'm sure glad to see how well you two grew up, man your strong looking fellas last time I saw you Sam, you were in diapers," he laughed bringing me into a hug. I back away from him.

"I'm sorry who are you?" I asked.

"oh that's right you probably don't remember me I'm Greg Williams a friend of your fathers."

"I dont remember him ever taking about you."

"that's because he probably didnt want you to know about your little sister, since your dad's death I've been trying to reach you boys, thought you deserved to know."

"what little sister, Sam if this is real dad needs to learn how to keep it in his pants it's official," Dean joked light hearted elbowing me.

"yup her birth mother died and John knew we were done with hunting and gave her to us, our little Shaden."

"well we were wondering if you had seen any angels around lately," I asked trying to get past the fact that I had a sister along with an MIA little brother.

"no angels don't know what's going on here but I've got it handled." he asked.

"Are you sure, maybe you want us to meet her," Dean changed the subject.

"I don't intend on involving my family in any more of this hunting mess, As much as I wish you could meet her, I don't think it's the right time, she's only 17."

Dean elbowed me and cleared his throat "it was nice meeting you, if you ever need us here our number, and if you really think this is handled then we'll be on our way."

"I most certainly have this handled, don't worry about your sister she's safe."

Dean practically dragged me out of the cold room and lead me out of the police station.

"what the fuck was that all about!"

"like I know, do you think we should meet her, she is our sister," I asked.

"Nawh Sam we'd be putting her into danger she doesn't need this crap." I realized he was right and drove back to the motel with him.

I woke up from deans violent shaking of my shoulders.

"what I'm awake," I moaned.

"it's Shaden Sam, her boyfriend or what ever is a demon Greg just called and told me about it, he can't get to her."

I jumped out of bed and grabbed the demon knife.

I showed up at the steps of the home just as I saw the lights flicker in the window.

"I think he's in there," I said. We walked up to the door and rang the door bell. I heard the soft foot steps come down the stairs. But as soon as they reached the door they pounded backwards. I looked at dean and he pounded on the door.

"hello is everything alright in there!" he yelled. I heard something inside and kept my finger over my mouth signaling dean to shut up. I placed my ear on the door and heard faint whispers then suddenly I heard a feminie yell from Shaden telling someone to run. Me and Dean imeadiantly burst down the door. There was a skinny short haired girl pushing a fairly attractive teen boy away from her. In that instant Dean had his hand protectively over shadens shoulder pulling her away from the black eyed boy. I went up the stairs after him but he only disappeared before my eyes. I looked back at dean who was holding his hand in pain and Shaden running out the door.

"Shaden wait!" I yelled after her but it was too late she had already ran into a neighbors home and the police would surely be here any second.

"Dean we have to go she'll be safe for now."

He nodded in agreement and we drove from the scene.

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now