Chapter three: who am I

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Chapter three: who am I

I had been driving for a few hours until I finally felt safe and pulled into a San Diego library. I went inside and up to a computer and fumbled with the flash drive a bit before shoving it into the computer. A whole bunch of information flashed onto the screen at once then it disappeared and my dads face showed up on a video recording. I quickly shoved the computer headphones on my head and pressed play.

"hello Shaden it's dad if your watching this I'm dead which means mom is probably dead too, I'm sorry for forcing you to grow up like this no matter how old you are now but this means that the demons have found you and your life is at risk. Don't trust anyone except maybe your real father if you can get a hold of him. Shaden your adopted I owed your father my life and me and your mom always wanted a baby and to get out of hunting just as he did before so he gave us to you when he found out your birth mother had died. When I say hunting I don't mean Bambi and rodger rabbit I mean demons, shape shifters, werewolfs, and vampires. There is so much out there that the world is so nieve of. Find your real father he can help. I left his number in my voice remember it." the video ended with the number as dad promised. I scribbled it onto a piece of paper and began to look through the rest of the info. There was page after page of creatures and spirits and I didn't have a clue on what the heck I just saw. I threw the headphones off and ripped out the flash drive. It all hit me then everything and I broke down. I cried hysterically for a few moments when someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked up to see a concerned woman on the heavy side.

"you alright child," she asked.

"yea I'm fine," I lied wiping away the tears.

"it's ok Shaden your safe here," she said. I stopped and stared at her with fear shaking through me.

"oops I'm not suppose to know your name am I?" she smiled. She blinked revealing the dark black eyes underneath, mirroring those I remember from Keith. I ran as fast as I could to the outside of the library and to the Honda civic. All of the sudden I felt my body smash against the ground except it wasn't the ground it was a wall.

"Shaden, Shaden, did you really think you can escape a demon," she laughed. I felt around in my pocket and got hold of the knife my father gave me before he was beheaded.

"your a very important peice to my collection your not only leverage for the Winchester maggots but you posses such a precious soul different than the others, stronger than a god but it's stuck inside a pathetic human your the energy source to the power of heaven and hell and you don't even know it."
While she was least expecting it I flung the knife at her eye. She had a strange yellowy glow and then she dropped to the floor. I fell from the wall and bolted to the car. Halfway to the door I ran back and ripped the knife out of the woman's skull. I smashed the gas petal and drove not stopping any time soon.

Fifth teen minutes later I'm on the side of the road puking. Thinking about me stabbing a demon in the eye wasnt helping. I got back in the car and drove for another hour until I decided I was going to call my dad.

I pulled up to a pay phone and shakily put the quarters in the slot, the paper I scribbled on in my hands. It said John Winchester and his number. I punched in the number carefully making sure I got it right and then then the phone rang. It seemed like forever until I finally heard a hello. I didn't say anything, I froze up.

"helloooo anyone there?"

"uh yeah, is this John Winchester?" I asked.

"no this is Sam, John is not here who is this?"

"it's Shaden Williams I'm his daughter I think there are demons I don't know what to do my dad, or my adopted father, said he could help I don't know-" I choked suddenly realizing I was talking to Sam Winchester. It was my brother I was talking to who just happened to be a psychotic killer.

"Shaden you still there," he asked.

"uh yeah."

"tell me where you are ok I can help."

"I think I'm in LA or near it I don't know."

The darkness outside began to move and I panicked.

"there's something out there," I whispered feeling the fear bubble inside me.

"look if your near LA then I'm sure you know what Disney land is meet us there it's a public place with lots of people nobody will hurt you there," he instructed.

"ok yes I can do that," I breathed.

"good luck Shaden," he said then hung up. I stepped out of the phone booth and looked around. It was quiet and dark. The streets seemed abnormal and shifted. And I was right because A large soft hand clapsed around my arm. I screamed and the person flipped me around. I felt a huge wave of happiness wack me in the face when I come face to face with Keith. I wrap my arms around him and sob into his chest.

"they killed him," I said over and over. He pulled awkwardly me off him.

"Shaden listen you need to get out of here the demons are hot on your trail I'll try to distract them but I can't for long you need to go."

"Keith what are you?" I asked. He looked me sternly in the eyes and then disappeared.

I pulled up to the front of Disney land and kept my eyes open for the two men I used to fear. I turned my car off and lowered my seat so I didnt look suspicious. The minutes ticked by one by one until finally I just fell asleep. The flood of tiredness pushing me under. I awoke to a large room I was alone and it was dark. I pulled at my wrists but they wouldn't budge. I was tied around some sort of pole. A small light came through a door across the way. The lights at where ever I was turned on that's when I saw my feet and realized I wasn't myself. I had large feet and hairy ichy man legs not to mention i was about five inches taller. I was in a big storage room with a man walking towards me.

"oh Dean all you had to do was tell me where she was I promise I'm won't do anything but torcher her soul for eternity you don't even know her that well," the man said causually.

"I actually considered us friends," he said while picking up a knife. He smiled and crept slowly toward me and jammed the knife in my head.

-----------End of dream----------

I woke up instantly slamming the windshield with the top of my head. The radio turned on spontaneously and out blursted the loudest song I've ever heard. I flipped off the radio and leaned back to recollect myself. I jumped at the sudden knock on the window. It was a police officer or rather Disney security. I rolled down the window and stuck my head out.

"Shaden it's Keith they're coming you need to leave," I stared closer at the face through the dark sure enough it was Keith.

"what about-" I stopped myself realizing I was about to tell him why I was here, wondering if he should even know.

"not now leave I've got to hold them off go hurry."

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now