Chapter Forty two: lie to me

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Chapter forty two: lie to me

Sams pov:

A year and a half earlier:

I coulds smell something really pungent and gross that caused me to shoot up awake. The last thing I could remember was falling into a bright ass light. Now I was laying in dirt in the middle of some forest. I looked at the ground and discovered that the horrible smell was a pile of crap. Not only that but my back was burning with pain.

" aww really" I complained.

" Sammy!" deans voice echoed.

" What?". A heard some shrubs from my left begin to break and a soaking wet dean emerged.

" don't say a single word" he warned. I chuckled at the sight of him.

" and I thought landing next to a pile of shit was bad".

" speaking of where we landed, where are we". Like I knew, I wish I did but I obviously didnt.

" does your back hurt as bad as mine?" I asked rubbing the sore.

" uh now that you mention it, yeah it does". Dean pulled up the bottom of his shirt to show me. The entire lower half of his back was covered with a strange unidentifiable swirling pattern. It was burn harshly into his skin and I suspected that must have been the source of our pain.

" what the hell is that"

" what's on my back?!"

" see for yourself". I turned around and showed dean my own burn.

" I suspect thats what's on your back too". Dean looked like a rock hit him in the face. When I saw what he was seeing I probably had the same expression. It was azazel he was looking right at us smiling.

" hello boys, looks like were all not dead, but where are we?"

" do you know?, where we are?". His cheeky smile faded and he opened his moulth letting a thick black cloud of smoke out of his vessel. The vessel fell to the ground limply. I waltzed over to the body and checked for a pulse, nothing.

Deans pov:

Present day:

Shaden walked out of the room to make a call, the only time I got to speak with Sam alone.

" did you find him?" I asked quickly.

" yes dean, but I can't let you go after him alone".

" too bad shaden will get suspicious if you don't it has to look convincing, and besides what if he catches up to us and goes after her it's not like she has some magic key".

Sam reluctantly agreed. Now all I had to do was tell my sister some excuse for leaving.

When she came back in the room I knowticed she looked at bit shaken up, but I'd didn't think anything of it.

" hey I'm leaving for a bit stay with Sam will ya". She raised her eyebrows in confusion.

" and where exactly are you going?"

" to help out an old hunter friend a state over, he doesnt like Sam so he's just gonna stay here"

" just don't die ok". I gave a thumbs up in response. Not dying any time soon, someone else is though.

A night of driving and a three coffees later I was staking out a building where he was supposed to be. I had a description of the guy, though I've get to spot him. I just hoped he hadn't changed vessels yet, that was a common demon thing. When i was close to giving up he finally showed up and entered the building. I decided to wait in the alley next to the building until he left. I set a few obvious devils traps and then a hidden one. When he came out I whistled from behind a dumpster. I knew I caught his attention because his harsh foot steps kept getting closer.

" getting a bit old dean, I can see your devils trap". I emerged from my hiding place with my demon knife at hand.

" I don't think so" I said. Azazel was surprised that he couldn't move. Man I loved to trick demons, they always think there so smart when they're really just ravenous canables.

" well well well, I really underestimated you, where is it?". I pointed towards the floor

" I made one with holy oil, im not the same cock sucking idiot you met before I killed you, I've been through the deepest amounts of crap you could imagine and your just another lose end to tie up". As nervous as he was he continued to keep his head.

" I've heard dean, lucifer, you went to hell and purgatory, and the leviathans too, I'm actually surprised your still breathing"

" yeah me too". Without thinking twice I dove at him with the demon knife.

" wait before you kill me you need to know something!". I stopped in mid-stab and glared at him angrily, what could he possibly know that I needed to.

" if it's about where we went I'd rather not know, it's better this way"

" not that meat bag, even I dont know where we went still I was meeting with someone to find out, it's about your sister". Crap, what did he want now she didn't have the key anymore.

" shaden, what about her?"

" ah ah a, first you let me go"

" no fucking way"

" fine just kill me and never know". I contemplated my options, let him go or not know something I could easily find out.

" I think I'll just kill you and ask her myself, I can't risk you out there, not after what happened last time, what you wanted to do". He chuckled.

" what can I say it was worth a shot" he grinned. I know azazel all too well to know that he'd smile in the face of death. I slashed behind me quickly hitting a demon straight through the skull.

" bye bye dean". I flipped back around too see another demon breaking the devils trap. Before azazel left he yelled something.

" by the way your sister, still has the key". My stomach churned, it was happening again.

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu