Chapter Fifty Two: hotel Kentucky- Part One

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Chapter fifty two: hotel Kentucky - Part One

Peters Pov:

I stood outside the hotel room I tracked the winchesters down to. I really only needed to speak with one of them, but of corse with one came all three. I had driven over four states not being able to go to the CIA for help. I've been missing for months, running around with Keith. I practically knew the warding sigils by heart I'd written them so many times. Not to mention my new angel killing blade that I'd used to slaughter countless beings. It was a miracle that they we were even alive, but they really weren't ever after me. I was here now to give Shaden and update, tell her that her crazy boyfriend was still alive, and something else that didn't make much sense to me.

That was his request, had put so detailed into a note left at my bedside. The kid, who wasn't actually a kid, was nice so I intended to for fill his asking.

I banged on the door only having to wait a few seconds for a shirtless Dean to answer the door with a protein bar in his mouth. Just then I was at a loss for words, I hadn't know the brothers very personally but I did know it wasn't like Dean to be munching on a protein bar.
"What?" He asked mouthful of food.
"Nothing you just caught me off guard with your chizeled chest and sparkling eyes" I remarked and pushed past him. In the room Sam sat watching the news intently and Shaden was on the phone with a guy she kept calling jake.
"Yeah I've got it Jake, someone just got here I'll talk to you later" she hung the phone up and looked at me.
"Peter..." She huffed not too amused by me.
"Shaden I need to talk to you" I looked back and forth at the two brothers "alone". She stood up and threw her hands in the air.
"Sure lets go talk, I got my own room" she led me through a door that connected to another room giving Sam and Dean a one minute finger.

I cased the small room anxiously having done so many times before. One ambush and you'll never think twice.
"Damn Peter it's been a while, and you look..."
"Anxious, worried, scared, tired" I listed off.
"I was going to say awful but all of those work too. So you said you needed to talk to me?"
"I think you better sit down for this" I offered her a chair. Suspicious she sat down in the shitty wooden chair and fixed her shoulders ready to listen.
"I've been running from and fighting angles for the past couple of months, with Keith....". She made a -I'm going to have a heart attack- face and jumped straight out of the chair.
"Is he alive?" She blurted.
"As far as I can tell, he left this on my desk a few nights ago" I handed her the crumpled paper. She scanned it for a while before falling back into the wooden chair. She instantly got teary eyed and began to smile uncontrollably.
"He does tent to leave notes doesn't he?" She said.
"I wouldn't know, but he wrote in there to follow his first instructions and I'm not sure what he ment by that?". She thought about it for a second and then jumped out the chair, yet again, and this time pushed through the door into her brothers room.

I went straight after her not believeing my eyes when I saw Sam and Deans room, which was now a creepy hallway.
"We're too late" she said under her breath.
"What are you talking about, what did Keith mean?"
"He ment find your brothers and run, that's what the first note said, find my father and run".

I examined the walls of the room, banging and scraping on them.
"It's so real"
"Who said it wasn't"
"It can't be can it, I mean we were just in a hotel now were in a hallway in someone's house?"
"Could have been an angel, spell, maybe we got sent to another dimension or some shit" she explained.

I moved over to a window at the end of the hall, it was cover by tattered white curtains. I drew them back expecting to see moonlight from outside but instead I came face to face with Sam and Dean who were both holding flashlights.

Deans Pov:

"What do you think they're taking about?" I said quietly trying to listen through her door.
"Don't know and don't see why I should care, Peter is our friend Dean I see no need to be worried about him" Sam said still glued to the tv.
"What are you even watching, since when does Sam the buff watch tv?"
"If you must know I'm watching the news, which happens to be very intresting at least more intresting than spying on my sister, besides you the one to talk, since when does Dean the calorie king eat zero calorie vitamin enriched protein bars" he gawked.

I looked down at my suprisingly delicious food and continued to munch on my second to last bite.
"What can I say, I've had a revelation. If I keep fighting to survive I might as well not kill myself with junk food"
"Or maybe that Egyptian bitch just got to you and you think losing a few pounds couldn't hurt". Damn Sam was hitting some hard comebacks, he must have been searching his dumb laptop for hours learning how.
"Well your not exactly skinny either, moose". Sam rolled his eyes at me "whatever you say Dean, I'm taking a shower". He got up and left the room walking right past the box of protein bars on my bed.
"Hey throw me another one of those bars will ya?". Sam didn't say anything.
"Are you really that mad, I just want to be healthy?".

Still nothing, a worried feeling came shivering down my neck.
"Sammy?" I called after him as I entered the bathroom. Sam was stood frozen staring at the large dark cave ahead of him, that used to be our bathroom.
"What the fuck?" I breathed. I spun around and found that the door I just came through was gone and it was just another endless hole.
"How'd we get here?" I asked bouncing from side to side of the cave.
"How should I know, we were in a freaking hotel!".

My first thought was to find out how much stuff I had on me. Unluckily I always had my demon knife tucked in my coat sleeve, and it so happened that I was shirtless. I did have lighter and a cell phone though.
"Whatcha got, I've got a zippo and a cell" I told Sam. He felt around his thin tshirt and through all this pockets.
"A pistol, with two bullets and.....a pencil"
"A pencil?"
"Don't ask!" He got defensive.
"Alright I won't, I don't want to know what freaky shit you do behind my back anyways"
"Yeah like your freaky obsession with those vibrating beds, it's demonic"
"How should I know you were the one hopped up on demon blood". I said that too soon, and I could see the anger in his eyes. Silently he was screaming at me for going there, so long ago, so painful to remember.

A loud hissing noise from the direction the door used to be caught both of our attention.
"What was that?" Sam asked getting his useless gun out.
"I don't know, I say the first thing we do is go in that direction" I pulled out my zippo and directed it to the opposite direction. The small lighter gave off only a tiny amount of light, about enough to see one foot out in front of you.
"I think we should go toward the noise" Sam suggested.
"What the hell for? I love a good fight but only when I actually have a chance at winning, just cause you have gun doesn't make you invincible"
"I'm saying there's bound to be something in that direction, for all we know we could be walking for hours that way". Sam had a good point.
"I've got a bad feeling about this, twenty bucks says there's some sort of demon ghost monster down there"
"Thirty says there's a way out of here" Sam challenged back.

We walked for a while, not enough to be an hour but long enough for me to be worried. The sound of a rock tumbling errupted at my left. I moved my zippo in the direction and as soon as my light hit the wall a much louder hissing sound exploded. Sam instinctively shot a bullet from the direction it came from. A small ping echoed through the space and then a horrible ripping pain caught my right bicep.
"Hold mother of god Sam you fucking shot me!" I wined nursing the cut.
"Please I shot the hissing thing, it must be a pipe"
"Your so freaking lucky it didn't hit me in the face" I growled. Forgetting I still had no shirt I attempted to rip off a piece to wrap my cut.
"Here rip mine" Sam took off his shirt also exposing his chest.
"Thanks, loser" I happily tore up his clothing item pretty pissed at this point. Not only were his comebacks more effective but his shooting skills are almost killing me.
"C'mon we can follow the pipe out of here" Sam said.

The pipe lead to a horribly constructed bridge made of metal mesh and scaffolding.
"Well this looks inviting"
"There's no turning back now, let's go"
"How about let's not and say we did" I grumbled putting my foot on the untrustworthy bridge. Terrible creepy noises moaned through the construction indicating a more than fatal fall.
"Fuck hights fuck caves fuck poorly constructed bridges" I mumbled.
"Can you stop complaining there's a door over there, look" Sam pointed out. There actually was a door, one that seemed extremely out of place. With a bit of hope I moved faster to get to the other side.

A chunk of the scaffolding shifted and a square of the mesh that I stood on prematurely gave way at the corner. Put off balance I slipped dragging my face across the metal painfully and leaving me unstably laying on the edge of the square.
"Dean grab on quickly" Sam was not lying on the previous square stretching his arm out far as he could.

I took a deep breath and whooshed the air out my lungs as I shimmied closer to him. Now I had to move my hand away from the square, which was a lot harder and scarier than it sounded. Without dwelling to much I flung my hand out and latched on to Sams.
"Pull!" I told him frantically.
"Climb" he said his voice strained with effort he put into dragging me upwards. I forced myself against the metal and used it as a support to boost me up, and not a moment sooner. Right as I managed to push off the square the rest of the section crumbled. I caught my breath lying exhausted on the same piece of bridge Sam was on. My face and my arm now stung with pain and were spilling blood. Sam however had not a single scratch.


Hello my lovely readers. I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I posted. School just started again and I guess all the work buried me. I hope to be posting alot quicker.
Thanks for reading <3

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