Chapter fifty five: The end for all of them

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*cues carry on my wayward son

By Kansas.

Go ahead I know you want to hear it

Quick I'll pause the story for you and you go set the mood

You don't pause stories? (Thanks smart one)

Alright done?

Good keep reading

Chapter fifty five: the end for all of them

Keith refused to acknowledge me, and for a while it seemed that I felt the same way. I said his name in disbelief once but that's all I could muster from the shock I was in. He didn't look weak or hurt, in fact he looked better than ever. I didn't know what to think of him, of Joseph. The dream I had, where Keith died seemed all too real, and deep down I knew it was coming, soon.

"Shaden" he finally replied turning all the way around to face me. When I saw the broken expression on his face I had a sinking feeling inside, one of remorse. All the while for scaring me I wanted to slap him, hard.

"Are you just going leave now, as usual?" I expected. Keith shook his head and slowly embraced me with a hug. I stood stiff as a board enduring the comfort of his arms, not being able to return the hug.

"I'm not leaving, at least not now"

"Keith, I had a dream about you dying, it was Joseph"

"Joseph?, for a moment I thought you were going to say it was one of your brothers". My first dream, how could I forget, Keith died in my first dream and then the second one Dean did, and in another Sam. A spark of hope egnighted inside me, maybe I could stop it. The dreams always have a hidden truth, they were only warnings.

"How have you been, Peter told me you two were having fun without me"

"Not enough, I missed you Shaden but you don't understand how important you are, if I lead the angels to you who knows what they'd do"

"I have a good guess it'd be to dry me of my blood and make more of your kind"

"I'm not so sure anymore, they don't like me much". I shook my head, what use would I be of then to make more angels, wasn't that my purpose? Or was it to destroy the guardians, I'd already done so with them all, all except one, and believe me I had the right mind to rip that last one to shreads.

"Keith I can take care of myself, it's you I'm worried about"

"Don't do this Shaden, I love you I really do but it would be so much better if you just forgot about me and found a mortal boyfriend?"

"How boring that would be" I breathed, smashing my lips into his. The kiss carried on for a while before I forced myself to stop, at the sound of my cell. Smiling I answered the phone


"Are you done yet, how's Thomas" the sound of Sams voice rung over the speaker.

"Thomas is Azazel, he has been for a while, I think, and I have no idea where he went, but I've got Keith here with me" I explained. There was a second of silence on the other side of the phone.

"Wait, what?"

"I'll meet you at the church, is everyone still there?"

"Yeah that's where we are now, do you think Meg knew?" Sam asked more quietly.

"She's your fucking friend, why don't you ask her" I hung up. Somehow I hoped that Meg was evil, at least it'd give me a reason to hate her.

"Can you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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