Chapter twenty: the angels need

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Chapter twenty: the angels need

The next day I found myself bored and depressed. There was a mysterious feeling in the air the feeling of death. Sam and Dean were the hotel room directly above me. I wanted nothing to do with my brothers at the moment so grabbing my cell and left. I was headed for a church to get some holy water. If this stuff made me strong I could go back to threaten me and I kill you for any creature that came near me. I found a church not far from my last location. It was fairly small community church. I went in going straight to the alter where a fat black man stood reading to himself.

"can I help you?" he said still glued to his book.

"I need some holy water," I told him. He looked from his book and stared me down.

"now I know a young girl like you ain't no hunter."

I was startled by his remark "you know what hunters are?"

He chuckled and walked toward a room on the left "girl relax I'm a son of god hunters get themselves here all the time looking for some blessed liquid or even just to pray."

He pulled out a jug from the room and handed it to me "now what's a young thing like you doing hunting?"

"Its complicated but I'm good at it and I'm 18 by the way not that young."

He chuckled again "you think 18 is young, girl I'm 55 and I'm still young."

I didn't quite understand him but I smiled in response.

"it's alright child I can tell you've got a lot on your mind so let it out."

"let it out?"

"what's on your mind dont worry I'm a priest my lips are sealed." I thought about his offer but I don't think I would just tell anyone my life story.

"thanks for the holy water," I waved and began to walk out. I pulled the door open coming face to face with Joseph. I staggered back in surprise. I pulled out my gun and pointed it toward Joseph.

"what the hell are you doing here!"

He walked up to me smugly "I was going to burn this, pathetic worship theater and everyone in it until of corse I smelt some good old Winchester."

I pushed him out of the church with ease.

"looks like you've got your mojo back," he laughed.

"get the fuck out of here Joseph."

The priest came running behind me "Joseph is that you," the priest asked in surprise. I turned my gun on the priests head.

"you know this guy?" I asked.

"yeah he comes and heals people every Tuesday like today, he usually comes in early to help around, he's been doing it for years, ever since I moved to California." I looked at Joseph in disbelieve.

"your healing people?"

He stood up and brushed himself off "why are you so surprised," he asked.

"maybe because your a crazy self centered ass hole."

"well it's against gods will to help people destine to die so I heal them."

I can't believe what I'm hearing Joseph is helping people.

"so why do you want to let lucifer out if you know hes going to kill every human and probably make them suffer."

Joseph smiled, and put one of his hands on my shoulder "because when you give me the key I'm going to break it."


"I'm an angel not a demon, think of it as a triple agent, I'm playing hell, humans, and I was playing heaven until your boy friend showed up and spilt the beans."

"I'm still lost who's side are you on."


"which is?"

"let life go on, I don't want the brothers coming to destroy this I enjoy watching you."

"your going mad, so your telling me that your going to destroy the key and then what just keep watching us for your own enjoyment, your sick."

"no, I'm being nice if I was bored of you like god is then I would want you all to die."

"so why not kill me and get the key destroyed now?"

"because you would kill me, you can and I cant really just rip the key out of you it's very complicated."

The priest was at his knees praying "oh my lord thank you for bringing this angel upon us," he chanted.

"look I'd really love to stay and explain myself but I've got to go."

"I don't believe you Joseph, and what about that thing you said to me before about Dean not telling me something"

"you might want to ask him about that," he told me then vanished.

Deans pov:

I couldn't stand the noise coming from Sam's mouth it was completely and utterly over the top annoying. This is the fourth fight we had since we've met. I took a beer from the fridge and walked out of the room slamming the door behind me. I saw Shaden walking up the stairs from the left of me.

"Dean I've got to ask you something and you've got to be honest with me."


"are you keeping something from me?"

I almost choked on my beer keeping something from her?

"no," I said horsely after my coughing fit.

"wow and I thought you could lie, tell me."

I wasn't going to get away with it so I told her.

"Castiel came to me one day and told me to stop looking for Keith so I've been distracting you with hunting."

"so that's why lately you've been so into hunting with me, I can't believe this Joseph was right."

Wait a minute did I just hear that she definatley just said Joseph.

"your bffls with Joseph now?"

"no I just happened to run in with him and he told me that you were hiding something and to think I could trust my own brother." I was about to retort her remark by telling that Castiel said it was dangerous but she was interupted by a phone call.

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