Chapter thirty: naga

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chapter thirty: naga 


"you sure the CIA will believe you," I asked Peter as he got into his white ford explorer. 

"well I hope so, if not I'll have to make them believe."

"see ya guys," he waved at my brothers then drove away.


"look what I found at the coffee shop," I threw the news paper at Dean. 

"local lake side home construction delayed after tragic deaths," he read aloud.

I took a large gulp of my Starbucks "it's a case we should take it."

"how is this a case" Sam asked.

"Dean keep reading."

"bla bla bla, bla bla bla, here we go, survivor of the tragic event is permanently put in mental hospital after claiming his two coworkers were dragged into the lake by a serpent."

I smiled at myself, I'd found my first case, I was sick of lazing around and kicking rocks, time for action. We got on it right away, Dean going to see the victim while me and Sam went to the crime scene. There was a large arrange of beautiful half built homes sitting on the edge of a crystal clear lake. We went up to a relater who was handing out fliers. 

"hello there sorry for the inconvenience but we won't be having our open house today," she greeted.

"it's alright we arnt here for the homes I'm agent Grams and this is agent Parker from the FBI," Sam told her.

"oh well then agents what brings you here, I though you solved it, they just drowned right?"

Sam shifted uncomfortably "there's still an investigation needed, so if you could tell us what happened, maybe there was some video."

She looked around nervously, catching me and Sam's attention "well that night Jane was pitching a fit for all I know she could have killed them, that girl is nuts."

"who's Jane?"

"Jane is the enviromentalist, she is one hard ass if you know what I'm saying."

"no we don't," Sam huffed.

"relax agent I'm just saying she's sort of crazy, she was threatening to kill someone if they kept using the new cheaper fuel to run the machines, why there she is now."

Me and Sam turned in the direction she was looking. There was an older woman maybe in her fifties yelling at two guys. We looked at each other and walked up to her. 

"hey it's Jane right?"

she looked over at us angrily "what do you scum bags want now?" 

"actually, were with the FBI we're here to investigate the deaths of two construction workers," Sam spoke sternly.

She straightened herself out, a bit embarrassed "oh sorry thought you were one of those tricky dicky lawyers."

"the relator over there said you were an enviormentalist what exactly do you do here?"

"well I'm not much good if they aren't gonna listen. When I tell them they're hurting the water, animals, and plants around them, what do they do? They dumb there fuel and trash right into the friggin lake!"

"would say you were well a little harsh some times?"

She looked at us shocked "what did that dumb bitch over there tell you. Even if those guys had it coming to them I wouldn't ever get my hands dirty."

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now