Chapter thirteen: on my own

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Chapter thirteen: on my own

2 months later

I hadn't listened to Keith two months ago. I hoped he would come back but I've waited long enough. I had everything I needed packed. There was an old box in the back of my closet containing my old life. The fake IDs, credit cards, my cell phone, and at the bottom my demon knife. I loaded everything on my new motor cycle. I looked at my country home one last time then left again in search of my angel.

I stopped at a hotel a few miles away. I began to look through my contacts and began to call my brothers. Sams phone was out of service and Deans too so I called there second phone and third phone. Finally Deans third phone had a ring but no answer.

"hey this is Deans other, other phone so you know what to do," his voice message said. I waited for the tone and then started.

"hey Dean it's shaden I know you probably didn't want to even think about me but I need your help, it's been six months since I've seen you so I'm hoping you get this but Keith has gone missing and I don't know who else to call so if you or Sam get this, call me back."

The next day I was on the road for hours nonstop riding to get nowhere. I finally stopped in Kansas somewhere to get some food. I went into the local grocery store and picked up some salad thing. While I was in the checkout line I over heard a woman talking to her daughter.

"I saw him mommy he is real."

"honey no one lives in the old hickory road house it's been on sale since the Charles family left," I couldn't help but be intrigued.

"excuse me you said there was a home for sale?" I asked her.

"oh no there isn't uh my daughter I was just, Ive got to go," she quickly grabbed her stuff and left.

I was at hickory road and I'm pretty sure I'd found the house. It was higher up and more spread apart than the other homes and it was the only one for sale. I drove onto the property and called the realtor.

A tall scrawny man came driving up to the home. He was very eager by the looks, and from the state of the front yard I'd say the house hasn't had an owner in at least a few months.

"would you like a tour mam?" he asked politely.

"why not."

When we got inside it actually seemed pretty big the stairs up to the second floor were in a sort of spiral and the walls were clean and bright. A large contrast from the outside state.
"so there are two bathrooms, a living room, family room, three bedrooms, a basement, and an attic plus the small nook at the top of the stairs," he said but I had the least bit concern about the damn rooms.

"so the neighbors seem pretty tense about this place."

"don't mind them they're just listening to old wise tales."

"wise tales?"

"you don't know? there was a family here not too long ago the Charles they lost one of their kids to a house fire that was seemingly impossible, and all their dogs went missing. It's just jibber jabber about a ghost."

"oh that's not a big deal right I mean people die all the time and there's no such thing as ghosts," I pretended. The realtor looked at me warningly but didn't say anything.

"so you interested?"

"yeah, you know what, I'll pay you 2,000 in cash right now if you let me stay here for a month or so just to get a feel of the place." He though about the offer and then gave in and I handed him the money. I walked him outside and he handed me the key. As he was leaving an old man came running down to the realtor.

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now