Chapter thirty nine: roller coaster

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Chapter thirty nine: roller coaster

Sam and Dean were sitting in the back of my car this time instead of the other way around. Right after both of them were healed the first thing dean wanted to do was see his baby. Instead of being happy that I kept it safe in a storage unit he complained about how it could have been stolen or break down from being dormant too long. Then Sam had to remind him that Dean had built the car from the ground up on more than one occasion.

I pulled back the blue tarp over the impala and revealed it to dean.

" see it's fine" I assured. He only nodded slightly, certainly he had to see for himself. He pulled up the hood of the car and began to poke and pull at the mechanics. Then he took the keys from me and turned it on. The car roared to life with it's familiar loud grinding noise. Dean had a pleased smirk.

" oh man baby I know you missed me, I'll never leave you again".

" where were you anyways?". Sam and Dean both gave each other odd glares.

" uh we dont exactly know, where we were" Sam answered. Okay so that wasn't weird, I didn't believe them but why fight they just got back from being wherever they were and I wasnt about to fight.

" so what maybe a week or two of rest then we get on a hunt?" I asked hopefully. Sam looked shocked by my statement.

" what do you mean go hunting?, you got out and you said you don't have the key anymore, leaving doesn't work especially with us". Are they kidding I spent a year and a half not hunting because of Deans shitty dying wish and now I just had to keep my ass perched here in med school when I could go help people now.

" no I'm done with this pretending that the world is a great place and nightmares are only nightmares bull, I'm going with you no matter what". Sam sighed heavily and looked at his brother for a response. I knew they couldn't argue. I wasn't that bad, personally I thought I kicked ass. Besides they wasn't anything left for me here. All my friends thought I was psycho and Azazel knew where I was.

A week later:

I tried to convince Keith that he could come with me, instead he wanted to stay as far away from my brothers as he could. He promised to visit and to check in regularly. I found the case within a week of their return, and Dean was willing to go on this one much to Sam's dismay. It was a theme park called Wonder City. Four staff members had died in four really weird coincidental ways. The first was a janitor who tripped on a banana peel and then into a trash can that rolled over the parks train ride, and onto the tracks where he was smashed. The second was a woman who simply presses the buttons to operate the ride. Her shoe lace got tangled with a wire on the side of a ride that spins. She was yanked into the sky and sling shot straight into the parking lot. The third victim was eaten by the tiger in the zoo section after falling into a pile of the tigers meal. And the last victim drowned while the whale show was on after his wetsuit got stuck on a water filter.

Dean said he'd always wanted to go to a theme park when he was a kid and his dad never let him or had the time. Sam argued that theme parks were a waste of time and money an that the people there were all ugly tourists that stuffed their faces with churros and funnel cakes. I'd been to plent of theme parks in my time and found them particularly fun. Only if the lines weren't long, I can't stand that.

Dean was practically skipping by the time we reached the front of Wonder City.

" would you believe this is my first time ever going to a theme park"

" yes dean you've already told me"

" I don't know I'm just so, happy, I mean yeah people are spilling guts all over the damn place but this seriously was my childhood dream". I patted his back and handed him the three day pass entrance ticket.

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat