Chapter fourty six: mommy, there's a monster under the bed

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Chapter forty six: mommy, there's a monster under the bed

Deans pov:

I didn't know what to think after seeing my sister turn into a monster literately. The look in her eyes was so bloodthirsty. I felt bad for the guy even if he was a child killing scum bag. Most of his hair and scalp laid on the mesh catwalk, she actually scalped him, with her goddamn bare hands.

It was Sam who intervened by putting the guy out of his misery. In all honesty I was still in complete shock. She made a huge transformation from ballet dancing girl to kill crazy hunter and that worried me. Certainly I wasnt the one to criticize, more than once I'd been too hasty to think before shooting but this was madness.

It wasn't more that I was mad and more that I had nothing left to say that lead me to leave. At first I was going to relax but instead I went to the bathroom for some privacy. I ran some water through my hands and on to my face trying to snap out of it. That's when the lights flickered and a straight faced angel stood behind me.

" cas?" I said to him through the mirror.

" dean." he replied.

" what's happened to you? I haven't seen you for a while"

" heaven is having a sort of population issue, there arnt many of us left and the angels keep fighting with one another, especially over your sisters boyfriend"

" Keith? I don't honesty care, what's up with him?". Keith truthfully made me sick to my stomach, lying to and minipulating shaden most of her life and now she just keeps trusting him. If he were to die then how could I possibly be upset, I know it would hurt her but it was better than trusting him.

" it's not the Keith did anything wrong, it's more that we don't have control over him"

" I still don't see how this can have any relevance to me"

" it's just that, the time guardian was ordered to give back the key in order to make her blood useable for angel transformation, I wanted to tell you". I slammed Cass against the bathroom stall in fury.

" you bats did what?!"

" dean I didn't have anything to do with this, I told them it was a bad idea"

" how can I be so sure, you chose Crowley over us before why not choose the angels now?"

" let's not forget I broke Sam and you out of hell not to mention I left both my brothers locked in the cage and all of it was just for you, a human". How could Cass call me a human, not to gloat but I wasn't ever human, much more than that. I saved the world more than once, went to hell, purgatory, and heaven, and I gave up my family for the safety of strangers.

" get out of here Cass I really can't see you right now". He seemed like he understood, nodded and left.

Shadens pov:

Dean left without a word making me feel hurt. It was clear that he thought I was insane. Sam was standing near me out of breath. He gave me a piece of cloth from the attic to wrap around my still gushing wound.

" what's wrong with you?" he asked seriously. I had no idea what was wrong with me I was just crazy and he had to deal with it.

" I don't know, I'm a dangerous person okay, I don't have control over this!" I screamed angrily. All I wanted to do was curl up in keiths arms and fall away. Now he was never going to see me again and I him. I would go to sleep every night wondering if he was still alive or even if he still cared about me.

" look I know what it feels like, the power, and the outcasting from dean"

" yes I know you've told me before, demon blood"

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now