Chapter twenty six: Peter

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Chapter twenty six: peter 


Im adding a new main character hope you like him :)

Okay you can read now. 


Peters pov:

What I was hearing was unbelieveable. 

"so you want me to do what?" 

"look Pete you've been with us for how many years, ten? and this is your big break you can't fiddle with these guys they are real" my boss Gerald insisted I was to go to Colorado max and review some top secret shit. 

"these guys have been dead several times only to mysteriously pop back up, and not to mention we still have their decapitated bodies in storage."

"so I'm investigating someone who's immortal this is ridiculous I know alot of government trade secrets, like how area 51 is only a nuclear base but now I'm hearing about two brothers who have died before and escaped from prison?"

"I know it's not your typical CIA job but Pete there has to be something going on here they aren't your average criminal too they don't have a single freaking pattern, there killing is random and some eye witness even complain the Winchester have saved them, all of it is a mystery, and one for you to solve."

"so what? how can two guys be so much trouble?"

"let me tell you one thing the two guys put more fear in me than we put the Russians in at the cold war," whenever Gerald brought up the cold war I knew it had to be serious. 

"alright I'll take it but this better be good Gerald especially after you pulled me off that french drug lord I'd been tracking for months."

"yeah yeah your just curious that's why I picked ya Pete." 

"its Peter."

"sure thing Pete."

I rolled my eyes at Gerald never since we first met has never called me by my real name.

My friend Hannah pulled off her headset and ran over to me "what happened?"

"I got put on a new mission a weird one at that it's these two guys the Winchesters."

"I've seen them on the news didn't they just get arrested?"

I waved the mission folder in front of her "sorry Hannah it's classified."

She punched my chest playfully "just be careful those two are nuts." 

"yeah careful."


The guard nervously slid in the tape from Dean the older brothers room. 

"look I'm telling you this is real," he swore.

"alright I'm just here to legitimize."

The tape began to role unfortunately it didn't have any sound but I was a trained angent and easily enough I could read lips. Dean was saying the name Joseph and how he needed some help. Then out of no where a young guy pops in the room. The other prisoner Jack Fiddleton is shocked at the sight. Dean turned away while speaking to Jack so I couldn't make out what he said. Joseph then taps Dean's shoulder and they both disappear. 

"see I told you man this is too weird," the guard said again.

"yes now you said the same thing happened in Sam's tape?"

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now