Chapter twenty eight: Easter bunny

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Chapter twenty eight: Easter bunny

Dean woke up while I was driving.

"ahh my head."

"are you alright?"

He nodded gritting his teeth. 

"I would have took you to a hospital but castiel said you'd be fine."

He looked around confused "Shaden? How did you get here where's the vampires?"

"I killed a lot of them and I found you in a bar with a bunch of dead ones."

"wait a minute, they took Sam where's Sam?"

"relax he's there in the back seat."

"holy shit, he doesn't look good."

"it's only a few surface wounds, he's going to have a pretty bad black eye though."

We stopped at a hotel right at the edge of Nevada. I checked us in so it didn't look suspicious, this way I could get two rooms.

"here's your key," I threw one at Dean. 

"your not having your own room!"

I laughed "yes I am let's not for get who saved both your asses today." 

"uh hu well I'm not bragging here but I've saved your more than once."

Sam was drowsy but awake none the less. 

"well I guess I'll see you in the morning." 

"see ya."

Sam's POV

I hadn't slept all night. Instead I was researching demon omens and what not. My face hurt like hell and as hard as I tried I couldn't remember anything past the bar. Apparently Shaden had killed over fifty vampires, including the alpha. As good as that sounded I worried about how she could have done it. Even when I drank demons blood it was still hard for me to kill things. So I started to look for an old fashion case. Something we haven't been on for a while. The past four months we've been looking for Shaden, maybe hitting a few little things here and there, but not for a while now have we actually done something. 

"Dean wake up," I threw a few pillows at him. 

"what," he mumbled.

"I've got us a case." 

"what case?"

"you know a case?"

"well im waiting c'mon what is it," he said irritated.

"a couple went missing in River Ash Nevada, with out a trace."

"yeah get to the good part."

"well the kids of these parents say they saw the Easter bunny eat them." 

"the Easter bunny?" he laughed.

"I know what it sounds like but we've had weirder."

After a couple of hour drive we arrived at the aunt and uncles home where the children were staying. 

"hello I'm agent Ruzzio and this is agent Packers and Donavan from the FBI," Dean introduced. 

"we already spoke to the police," a grumpy man said.

"it's a separate investigation, I'm sure you understand that we need first hand information," I answered. He nodded and stepped aside to let us in. We all sat in the kitchen with the aunt and uncle facing us.

Shaden Winchester (a supernatural fanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now