Vidcon- Jay

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You were waiting in line almost like forever

You got out your camera and started recording to pass the time

"Hey guys right now I am at vidcon super excited cause I'm about to meet Markiplier" you said pointing the camera to him where he is at a table

You know ever since the airport I been making lots of blogging videos I should probably start a YouTube channel" you said talking to the camera

"You may be wondering where Jay is well he started feeling a little bit ill today so he stayed at the hotel to rest" you said that's when it was your turn

"Guess who I'm joined with" you pointed the camera towards Mark

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today I am joined by Y/N" Mark said saying his Markiplier

"So Markiplier you are like my number 1 youtuber for me you are very funny when it come to video games" you said

"Thank you so do you have a YouTube channel?" He asked

"I'm thinking of making one cause I started making videos like weeks ago on any special event so probably I will start making one" you said

"Well I think you should your great at making videos" he said

"Thanks Markiplier" you said

"Here" he said giving you a gift

"What is it?" You asked

"Don't open it until you get home I am giving all this gifts to everyone" he said as you took the bag

"Do you want a picture?" He asked you as you nodded you paused the camera and went to take a picture with Mark

"Ok guys its time to leave say bye Mark" you pointed it back to him

"Bye bye" he said waving like he does it his outro then you left

Skip the time

"Ok so I've just arrived at the hotel and I can't wait to open this gift its pretty heavy I wonder what's inside" you wondered

You opened the door and walked to Jays room

"Hey Jay how you doing" you asked still recording

"I'm feeling a bit better what that?" He asked pointing to the bag

"Oh this something that Markiplier gave me" you said as you placed the bag on the bed

"Hold this" you said giving the camera to Jay who was already recording you

"Ok inside we have omg a warfstache, tiny box Tim, a Markiplier T-shirt, an a autograph" you said showing it to Jay

Then you got the camera and pointed it to Jay and You

"So that's all for today and I'll see you in my next video" you said as you turned off the camera

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