Guns Blazing

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"I couldn't sleep. I keep reading that article over and over. Poor Tonio must've been so scared. His mom too." Max sits on the couch. "I hate death." He closes his eyes and snuggles in closer to Cario. "These people we love are dying in such tragic ways."

"I want the nigga head." Cario snarls. "But I'm not even sure where to start."

"You guys aren't going after these people are you?" Max pleads with his eyes.

"Not we, me."

Max gives me a worried stare. "Khi, don't let him. It's too dangerous."

"Khi isn't my dad."

"We haven't talked about it yet."

"There is nothing to talk about. Please, I love you both and I don't want to be reading an article about you next."

"Love you too." Cario says.

"We love you too Max, but we just are left with no understanding of what happened."

He sits up. He placed his hand gently on Cario's face. "I'm gathering you was a street nigga before the music."

Cario nods. "Still am, calmed down for obvious reasons." He stares at me.

"If you find out who did it? Then what?"

"You know what." He looks into Max's eyes. "I just want his body more than anything. He deserves a funeral like the little prince he was. I want his body."

He swallows. He knows something but afraid of what that information may mean. "I'll probably regret this if anything happens to you but....Mayor Stephen."

"Huh?" Cario says.

"Mayor Stephen, was Tonio's actual dad and he's responsible for everything." Max stands up to get off the couch.

We both sit up. "Wait, how do you know this?"

"I reached out to an old friend. His primary job was to find out about dirty people of power. Now, he's a chef and travels the world. He didn't want to do it but he loved Andre, so that respec extends to me. He knew digging secrets up usually meant someone dying. Still, he stepped back into his old job after hearing about Tonio's death." He looks back at us. "You have your name. Clearly, you can see how going after this man is suicide."

Cario stands up. "Mayor Stephen was one of the men abusing Kayla? That sick nigga."

"Now, he's running for Governor and is in the lead." Khi shook his head. "These people be straight up evil."

Cario walks over to Max and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you." Then takes out his phone and disappears to the room.

"Khi, please don't let him retaliate. This man from what I'm hearing, plays dirty. He haves the power to make all of you vanish." He snaps. "Like this, into thin air."

"He won't listen. He's grieving. He wants blood."

"So, maybe we can do it so that he takes his own self down. Expose him to the public." Max walks into the kitchen.

"How? Sure a man like that covers all of his tracks."

"Everyone messes up. Everyone." He smiled. "We need to bait him. Know any young pretty girls?"

"Um, Damien'a sister."

"No, Summer might-"

"Not Summer. He has one who's only like sixteen. But I'm not sure how he would feel about this. Damien is the sweetest man in the world but very protective about his loved ones."

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