He Hurting Too

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I turn my head when I first see Cario walk out carrying Khi. I feel myself about to fall but Damien catches me and holds me. "Do you see him?"

"Yeah baby, I'm sorry."

"We have Ton and one of the other niggas tied up in the living room. I can stay with Khi. I know y'all wanna personally take care of Ton." Damien gave me a tight hug. "Be strong baby, he needs you to be, aaight?"

I nod my head. He lets go of me and walks over to Cario.

Cario puts Khi down but hesitates to let Damien take over. "I promise you nothing will happen to him with me...I promise you Cario. My husband loves him too and anything my husband loves," he looks back at me. "I love too."

I will say it time and time again I do not deserve that man. I don't know what God mixed in with that man's heart but he is definitely heaven sent. He didn't even take a second to think about coming out here with me to rescue Khi. He sprung into action packing our suitcases the moment Cario said he was gone. I insisted he stay home with Carter and Camden but he said 'Where you go I go..til death. I meant that shit.'

Cario tries to touch Khi but he looks uncomfortable. I step forward and his face falls into the crook of my neck. "Chace, you came for me."

I wrapped my arms around him. "What the fuck you think?"

He starts to sob. "I don't want you seeing me like this ."

"Still beautiful to me Khi...I don't see anything else." My words made him sob more.

"You should of never come."

"Khi stop," I looked at Damien and mouthed to him "im sorry." It was impossible to be strong and hear him sound this broken.

Cario turned away from us and I knew this was unbearable for him also. He blamed himself and part of me did too. I wished he had just said fuck how Khi felt and took care of that nigga. It's not Cario fault for listening to his heart instead of his own voice. I would have wanted Damien and Carter to be proud of me as well.

Still I blame Cario.

*****two hours later*****

I was in the driver seat, Khi in the passenger seat. Cario sits behind Khi and Damien behind me. Favorite song by Toosii starts playing. I really couldn't deal with this song right now, not when I knew it was one of Khi's favorites. I turn my head towards the window away from him and place my hand on his thigh. He puts his hand on top of mine. I think I'm the one seeking comfort more than him at this time. The music is just low enough that I can hear him breaking down, I feel his leg shaking under my hand. Then I break down and so does Cario.

I pull the car over and the tears just come pouring out, making it impossible to drive. I look over at him and he's covering his face. I see the bruises on his arms, the marks left behind from his wrist being tied up and I can't stomach imagining the pain inflicted on him. I can't accept that he was crying out for help and we didn't come soon enough. I didn't come soon enough.

Cario unlocks his door and steps out. "I failed you Khi...I should have got there sooner." I say to him.

"How? You didn't know where I was."

"I always protected you, always but this time when you needed me most." I grabbed the steering wheel shaking it, almost breaking it. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He put his hand on my shoulder and Damien touched my back.

"Chace," the words left Khi's mouth softly. "This ain't on you."

"Remember what you called me when we were kids?" I look at him.

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