Blamed ourselves

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"I thought we had some wild shit going on. I feel so bad for your mom." Tonio lays across Cario's chest and I rub his back.

"I love my mom and you know she's everything to me, but he don't wanna be with her." We are watching basketball. His head is propped up on some pillows.

"Yeah, he do need to tell her. You think he will reach out to the man?"

"He was so against it, but was I was telling him to just do it. The man been writing you for a couple years and you haven't responded. He needs closure. My dad was really breaking down."

"The toughest man gon break when it involves love."

"Yeah." He pokes out his lips and I kiss him.

"Apart from your mom being hurt, it's a beautiful story. They developed a real love, through conversation and friendship. They didn't even fuck."

"No. That man's heart bled on that paper and woke my dads heart right up. He'd be crazy not to answer."

"You want me to carry him to his room?" I ask.

"He can just sleep with us tonight. He ain't feeling too good. That's why he was extra clingy today."

"I peeped that too. Well, imma go make sure all the doors locked and then take me a long shower. You probably will be knocked out when I'm done. So gimme kiss." We share a deep kiss.


Someone hand goes over my mouth as I leave the shower. "Shhh, it's me." My heart is pounding, but it slows down upon recognizing its Cario.

He turns to me and puts his fingers to his ear. "Hear that?"

I listen carefully. "It's 2:00 AM. Who could it be?"

It's then I realized he's holding his gun. "Go in the room with Tonio."

"And leave you? Fuck no."

"Think um given you a ultimatum? Khi, take yo ass in that damn room and stay with the baby. If this is some type of robbery or attempt on my life, y'all need to be safe."

"I said no."

Cario grabs my shirt and pushes me quietly into the wall. "If me beatin yo ass is going to save you, that's exactly what the fuck imma do." His stares intensely into my eyes, covering my mouth.

"Okay. But I love you."

"I love you too. Now, go. Don't come out until I come get you. Please, listen to a nigga Khi. Stay yo ass in here."

"Got it."


This feels like some thriller movie scene. I'm not afraid but the unknowing of what could be waiting for me, is bone chilling. This isn't a movie. There's no do overs. If somethings happens to me, I won't be able to wipe the fake blood off and try again. Still, if it's going to happen to anyone, it's me. The house is dark. I use this to my advantage. I stay close to the wall, bending my knees, cautiously approaching the door. I see a shadow moving through the window.

Maybe, someone leaked my address, or friends of Ton's coming to even the score. The old me would have fired through the door, every thug nigga dreams of going out like Scarface in that last scene. Just last year...if I died, oh well. Now, I have Khi and Tonio. If the intruder kills me, they're left to defend themselves. It wasn't an option.

I see the doorknob twisting. They were trying to come in. Then they stopped.

I get an idea. I creep quietly but quickly through the house, until I reach the sliding glass door. I carefully unlock it and step outside, making my way around the house, across the damp grass. I had to act fast, no time to put on shoes. The coolness of the night air made me shiver because I was shirtless. I hear a loud thud and me or Khi's car alarm goes off.

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