No Good So good

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I watch as Khi eyes slowly flicker open. The sunlight shines over his body, making his sun-kissed skin glisten. I run my fingers over his chest and abs, he turns on his side to face me. My eyes follow him as his hand reaches down to my waist, closing the gap between us. I close my eyes as he strokes the right side of my hips and thigh "You just wake up lookin good?"

"Being a bad bitch don't stop because I rest. In fact it happens because I rest." I stick out my tongue.

He giggles and nothing is sexier than when Khi and Cario laugh, nothing. "You straight?" His tone was softer.

"Yes, sorry bout last night. Andre was the love of my life and he was murdered right in front of me. That's why I hate seeing you and Cario fight, because tomorrow isn't promised. I want you both to heal and return to each other. Your love isn't a mistake."

"I can't keep gettin denied to save face...his lame ass niggas tried the fuck outta me last night. They wanted me gone and he kicked me out."

"Then he came back here and you fucked him." I smile.

He rubs the back of his neck. "You heard us?"


"Usually when we fuck we so connected, it's like we one person...last night we was strangers."

"You both need to sit down....just you two. Drown everyone and everything out. Work it out Khi."

"Um, remember I was tellin you bout my friends?"

"The poly relationship?" I put a leg over Khi and he latched on to my arm as he rolls from his side to his back, he pulls me on top of him.

"They coming. There's a video out know?"

"What? Who the fuck would record that?" I think back to that night. "There were a few cars slowing down but I was so focused on you both I didn't even notice."

"That's why he put me out. His boys saw it.."

"So they know?"

He shakes his head. "The video was a little blurry but I came out to all of them and Melo felt like it was weird for me to be there, he even asked Cario was he gay. Obviously, he said no. Cario sided with him and I was told to leave."

"Cario." I sigh. "So disappointing."

"Them niggas was laughing at us, calling us dumb. They didn't know it was us but we knew."

"Don't let that get to you and I can't stand Melo..he tried me once too."

Khi's face was not happy. "Did he touch you?"

"No and I can handle myself." Feeling a need to make that clear.

"I don't give a fuck...I would lay his ass out if he did touch you." Him willing to defend me, made me warm inside.

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