Looking beautiful

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Taiwanna is locking up her shop but I come behind her and cover how mouth. "Bitch if you scream imma blow you fuckin brains out all over this shop." This wasn't the best time to test me.

I open the door and push her back inside. I drag her back to her office. "Cario, I swear I didn't know he was going to come for you. I didn't know." I sense the fear in her eyes.

"Then how the fuck he knew where I was at?" Something wasn't adding up.

She reached for her phone but I shot at it and she snatched her hand back. "I don't know Cario, I believe he's fuckin one of my employees and she was here the whole time. I had you on speaker phone before you stopped by, everyone heard you say you were going to Vix house after leaving here."

"Call him and have him come here,"

"No, I can't. He is Paris father, I can't do that." Bitch think she have a choice? I wasn't exactly thrilled to take her out, but this wasn't the Cario who had her sprawled out on the desk other day.

I walked up to her and pushed her head down on the desk, shoving the gun into her neck. "I wouldn't give a flying fuck if it was Jesus father, either he catch this bullet or you." I slam her phone down by her face. "Call him." I stepped back. "Put it on speaker phone and if you try warning him, I got my niggas outside yo mama house, where I know Paris at." I would never harm a child, but she ain't need to know that.

She started shaking and tears are all over her face. "Okay okay okay! Please that's my baby Cario, I'll do it." She picks up the phone and calls Ton, he answers first ring.

"Sup sexy lady?"

"Need you to come by the shop,"

"Why, everything good...you know I can't be seen right now, shit is hot."

"I know but one of the sinks are leaking and I don't wanna come in tomorrow to a salon full of water.It's night time and no one will see you here."This bitch think quick on her toes.

"Damn, aaight. Give me like ten minutes." His dumb ass.

"Okay." When they hung up she started crying. "Shit Cario I hate you."

"Wish I could honestly say I care."

"How can I look at Paris everyday of her life, crying over not having a dad, knowing I had something to do with that?"

"Get yo shit and go home to yo child and take that conversation up with whoever the fuck you pray to. Shoulda chose a real nigga for Paris dad."

"You did taunt him first Cario. You was always taunting him."

"So that gives him the right to shoot up a place where innocent people was around? You worried about yo child right? Well Vix was somebody child too and she had to hold her son as he bled out, probably choked on his own blood.....Think that's okay?"

"No! It's not." She goes to leave but I snatched her phone. "I can't take my phone?"

"So you can tell him I'm here? Hell no...I should cap yo ass just for tryin me like a sucka."

"Wish I never fucked with you."

"I wish the same damn thing...now get the fuck up out my face."

She collects her things and runs out the salon. I watch her get in her Mercedes and zoom out the parking lot.


When Ton arrives he's loud and singing some song, carrying on without a care in this world. While Vix body lay in some rectangular shaped cooler.

Finally Meant (Book 5 of Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang