The Key

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I'm falling. I'm trying to grab anything, but nothing is sturdy enough, it all slips from my grip. I continue falling into darkness. I hear a laugh that is all too familiar. No, anyone but him. I close my eyes as tights as I can, but I feel his hands on me and mouth on me. "Fight Khi, fight him." But I don't. Now, my hands are restrained behind my back.

"Please, don't hurt me." I beg, but his eyes turn a shade darker than black. Is that possible? No. That's how I know he's not human. He wears the face of evil.

Is that....Cario! Good, there's hope. I see the room lighten up. But, he just stands there, and Chace too. Why aren't they helping me?

"Cario!" I scream. "Cario!" He can't hear me. The darkness is taking over again. He's dragging me to that black door. I kick and kick with all my strength but I can't fight him off. I can't.

"Khi!" My eyes open and I gasp for air. "You okay baby, you here with me. You're safe." Cario pulls me into his arms and I'm shaking, he hugs me tightly.

"These fuckin nightmares won't stop." I hit my head. "Im so done with this man."

"I know I know. It's gonna take time and that's okay because imma be right here."

I bring my hand up to my face and I it's like I have tremors. Cario puts his hand on mine then places it against my chest. "I haven't slept good in two weeks."

"I have one rolled... that usually helps to calm you."

"Yeah, let's smoke." Cario let's go of me and reaches on the nightstand for the blunt and lighter.

"You saw the black door again?" He asks.

"Yeah." I wipe my eyes taking the blunt from him and puffing a few times. "I was calling for you and it's like you just didn't hear me."

He takes my hand. "So sorry Khi."

"Can't even tell you how many times I felt like that sitting in that room. I begged God to let you find me."

"When I said I loved you, it's like I instantly knew."

"But how?" I still didn't understand that.

"Taiwonna, took me to that house once and I remember seeing that black door. For a long time, I wasn't able to get that black door out my head. He wouldn't even let her go in there. I can't explain it but it's like I saw it after saying I loved you." I pass him the blunt. "Like saying that was the key."

I look into his eyes. "Cario,"

He lowers his eyes. "Khi what are you about to say? If it's thank you, I told you that I never need that from you."

"You could have left me there. You were willing to come in that place, not even knowing what you were walking into. After only knowing me for months. You could have been killed."

"What the fuck would being here be without you? Just a few months ago was the last time I thought about..." he inhales the smoke deep into his lungs and then exhales. "The last time I had those thoughts. Death or living, I wanna be next to you."

"You feel it?"

He nods. "It's like our hearts be communicating." He laughs softly. "That might sound stupid."

"No, I think so too."

"Maybe they belonged to some people who were in love in another life and they living through us." He smiles.

"I like that theory because it means our love will outlive us."

"Then I don't have one single worry." We both lean into each other and kiss. There was no sexual intent with this kiss. Just our guards falling down, and us giving up that thing we so badly wanted to hold on to...control. You can't love and want control. This man was the reason my heart was whole but at the same time he's the reason it aches.

Finally Meant (Book 5 of Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें