So stupid

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I can't even believe I was able to sleep. The last thing I recall was gazing into his eyes, eyes that broke all barriers to my soul. Eyes I wasn't able conceal my feelings from. Eyes that were the most beautiful parts of this person. They were closed now, but still I lay very still and listen to his breathing. He told me he couldn't stay, but yet here he is. What he revealed to me last night must hold some truth, my heart beats better with him near me. The day I met him I did feel....peaceful. It was a off setting start but when I saw him at my party, I knew he was someone I wanted around me often. I'm fact he would be a necessity. The only thing to compare him to would be air. I couldn't live without both.

I slip out of bed to take a mini shot from the small refrigerator. I looked over my shoulder to be sure he was still asleep. He was wrapped up snuggly in the covers. I twisted off the cap and tossed the bitter liquid down my throat. I shook my head, as it burned going down. I look back again, and decided to have another one.

My phone rings and even though I wanna avoid it, I don't. I walk over to retrieve it form the floor. It's Melo.


"Yeah? Nigga I been calling you since yesterday. What the fuck man! Vix gone and I haven't heard from you?"

"I needed a moment,"

"Fuck needing a moment. We gotta spin the block for him and especially since it's over you fucking that bird as hoe Taiwanna."

"I already know it's on me and I hear you. We need to wait until tonight." I was ready.

"aaight and look man...thats fucked up you had to see him get popped like that. Vix should of outlived all of us."

"Hell yeah. I wish they would have killed me instead." I heard something and turned to see Khi sitting up. "aaight bye."

"Why you talking like that?" Khi asked.

"Cause that's how I feel," i open my suitcase and pulled out two guns.

"Cario don't do that,"

"Ride for my nigga? You crazy as fuck if you think imma let shit slide."

"You just gon throw away yo whole life? Just like that."

I chose to not say anything.

"Well imma go." He got out of bed.

"Okay, pfft" I watch him out the corner of my eye putting on his shoes and shirt.

He then made his way through the other end of the suite. He was looking for his keys I assumed. I walked slowly to where he was and stood behind him. "Don't,"

"Can't sit around and watch you go out there and probably get killed...but at the same time I get he was yo boy. Nothing I say will keep you from retaliating and if it was my homie, I would slide too."

"We was like brothers...I can't let this go." I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me. "I don't want you to be worried Khi."

"But I am. I'm still getting to know you and I ain't ready to let that go." He tried pulling away, I held him tighter.

"You always tryna run from me, and look at my pitiful ass...steady chasing you." I laughed quietly near his ear. My dick was pressed against his butt. "Know what I be thinkin bout?"

"What?" He was already tired of me.

"How you feel?"


"if I was to dig deep in that ass." I pull his waistband from his body and peak into his shorts. "You think about how it would feel to have me deep inside of you?" I feel him tremble. "Or would you like me to not sugarcoat shit and tell you how I think about fuckin you?"

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