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(I will drop a few chapters and keep you all updated on when it will be available on Amazon)  to accommodate those of you who already read my other books. When I add them to Amazon I will add more chapters to each book 😘😘😘

Three Years Ago


Two weeks passed. I can still hear my moms screams as she identifies his body. They were right, no parent should have to bury their child. No child should have to see the pain of a parent that loses a child. GG was her firstborn, they grew up together. He had just recently got her face tatted a few months prior. I never seen our mom smile so hard, and after last week I never saw her cry so hard. I was holding her but I was about to fall myself. Breathing, walking, feeling was painful. Which is how I inhabited a new antidepressant. Liquor.

She slept in his bed every night since discovering he was deceased. She clung tightly to his pillow, and I loosely held on to his words. He wanted me to keep going with music, but how would I find the strength?  Truthfully, fuck music. I turned on the tv to see Khi Thomas talking. My mood lightened for some reason, this show made me feel settled. The guest said something and Khi laughed, pulling me into his contagious laughter. He probably was cool to be around, I just sense positivity from him.

Khi's voice was very distinctive, it was authoritative, he demanded your full attention and girls was always saying how attractive he was. Females found anything sexy, be it was good for tv. I pulled the shoe boxes stuffed with cash from under my bed. Calvin forwarded me all of my brothers money and told me to be smart and turn it into something good, but wasn't shit good in this world. This fuckin grey cloud dances over my head constantly, like a parade of gloom. It doesn't matter how much I run, it would catch up to me. I stared at the gun inside of my top drawer for long periods of time. Thought about catching my brother's murderer outside at his mailbox and blowing his brains out. Did I have it in me to take another human life? Probably not but to avenge my brother, maybe.

I hear a knock at the door, so I quickly pushed the shoe boxes back underneath my bed. I hop up to my feet, leaving my room. I look out the peephole and see a detective. This bitch was like fly to some shit, she wouldn't let up. I stand real still and don't say anything. She knocks again, but I still don't speak or move.

"Tacario Rhodes I know you're inside, I heard your footsteps. Look, you aren't a suspect, we just need to know if you have any valuable information to help us find Quincy Lakes?"

It wasn't until the next few days, it was revealed Quincy escaped from the hospital. He was considered armed and extremely dangerous. Calvin said never put myself at the scene because I would easily do 10 to 25 years up the road. My mom came walking up to the door, she quickly opened it. "Detective Lanay, let my family have a whole day to grieve."

"Hello Mrs. Rhodes, I'm sorry but one of the intruders escaped. It's a Quincy Lakes, he was one of your sons best friends."

"Well doesn't make him attached to my ass, now leave us alone."

"I wasn't implying anything, I just wanted to speak to your son."

"He ain't seen him, just like I ain't seen him and this turning into harassment. I never understood the point of a fuckin detective, because all you do is ask everyone a million questions about what they know. Seems to me we solving the damn case." My mom slammed the door.

She glanced over at me. "I really don't know where he at, ma."

"They have him on tape creeping into the man's granddaughter room." She closed her eyes. "She only sixteen, he was pulling the cover off her, but the camera then went blank."

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