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I lay in bed on my back, watching the fan blades spin around and around. Ayesha curls into me and I let her, its more so for her. We came to a mutual agreement that she wouldn't spend the night anymore but she still did. We said we'd work on things but her handing me the ring back pretty much said we're done. Yes I wonder what a life with Cario
would look like but I'm not even sure what's the first steps to take.

I've tried breaking things off with Ayesha, she cries and begs. She tells me I'm all she has, so I give in. I comfort her, sympathize with her, then end up staying with her. My chest was hurting a little this evening and even slightly right now.

Then I get an idea, it was maybe stupid but I was going to do it. I carefully get out of bed, then walk into the living room with my phone. I go to call Cario but I have an incoming call from him.

"Hello," I answer.

"My bad to be hittin yo line this late but.." he sounds intoxicated.

"Where are you Cario?"

"Outside your place, with half of a bottle of henny and fucked up memories."

I hurried to my front door and opened it. I look out and see him leaning against his car. This man's face, mmm. He held up the bottle. "Drink with me Khi."

I close my door behind me and make my way over to him. "It's three o clock in the morning."

"and I can't sleep...if I close my eyes right now the scene plays over."

"I wasn't really able to sleep either." I admit. "What scene?"

"It's better with you around though...maybe you remind me of him." He looks into my eyes. I notice his are red but not from smoking.

"Cario you been crying?"

"Only for three damn years now." He struggles to smile, then turns the bottle up to his mouth and takes a big gulp.

"What's on yo mind?"

"What's not?" He turns the bottle up again I stand directly in front of him. I put my hand on his wrist and try to lower his hand with the bottle.

He pushed me back. "Don't do that shit aaight? I know when I had enough...don't need nobody tryna run shit over here."

"Why you come here then?"

"Why you answer the phone?" He stared into my eyes. Challenging me.

"I was just up on my phone and you happened to call..."

He shrugged. "Doing what?"

"Look, my girl inside..."

"Pfft, yo girl. Nigga you don't want her...I know you don't."

That liquor be having you say everything out loud. "She in my bed I think that says different, but never mind all that....why you here?"

He palmed his face and handed me the bottle. "Take was right to try to."

I took it and he handed me the cap, I twisted it back on.

"Ever thought about.." he looked at me nervously. "Ending it?"

"Ending what?

"You know fuckin well what.." he paced around. The energy that transcends his body and reaches mine is unbelievable. I feel him at this very minute.

"No, I haven't and are you feeling like that, now?" I have half the confidence to reach out and touch him. Just a lil touch, I wonder how his skin feels?

Finally Meant (Book 5 of Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin