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I stand back stage listening to the crowd roar. Chanting my name so loudly the building rumbled. Kp is going over some things I need to handle after this performance, but honestly all I can think about is Khi fine ass standing on the side.

"Hello, earth to Cario."

"I hear you, Kp." I jump a little to shake off the slight stage fright.

"This is the biggest crowd you ever performed in front of. People don't just get the opportunity to open up for Drake. He personally requested you."

"You've said this a million times. I get it." I still focus on Khi. He has a fresh retwist and lineup, and he wearing my face on his shirt. He a lil tipsy too, so I know whoever he talking to he making them laugh.

"This is pointless, with Khi here you not listening." She looks back at him too.

"My bad. He just looks fine as fuck tonight. I can't keep my eyes off him." I licks my lips.

"He is fine, you fine. Y'all fine together. We have established that. Can we focus on tonight?"

"Yeah, I get forty minutes. Listen for the cue when my time is up. Be sure to shoutout Coca Cola and Beats because of my new endorsements. I got it."

She scrolls through her phone. "Being sure I didn't leave anything out."

"Now, if you done, can I show my baby some love before I go on?"

She moved out the way. "Go on."

I walk over to Khi and he's does a lil juking as "Beam Ahh" plays. I join him.

I hold his hand while he goes low with it. Then he comes back up, sliding a little across the floor, going from one foot to the next. Then he hold my hand and I go low with it. We laugh as I stand back up. I pull him into me. "You know I love when you dance."

"I do." He grins.

Some of my team walks by and Khi puts his hands down and backs away from me, but I pull him back close. "What you doing?"

"I don't know.." he's behaving nervously.

"Khi." I put my arms around his waist. "I'm not hiding you. You don't get it. Fuck them."

"You haven't said anything to your fans and people you work with. I just wanna make sure I'm moving at your pace and the way you want to."

"Cario, it's time." Someone yells out.

"Aaight." His eyes never leave me. "Got a surprise for you."


"Yeah." I kiss his forehead and listen for my name.

"I'll be right on the side."

"Na," I hold out my hand.

"What?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"You coming out there with me."

"Cario, no. What if they don't react good to hearing the news? Maybe, go on a talk show and announce it."

"Khi, bring that ass on."

He takes a deep breath. "Cario, I am so happy you are willing to do this. But baby...I think baby steps. Yo friends know, yo family knows and maybe that's good for now."

Finally Meant (Book 5 of Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt