The gem of souls

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Following her meeting with Delphine a couple of days ago, Zen had immediately handed the flash drive over to Billy for analysis. After two days of solid testing he was satisfied that there were no harmful files or secrets programs and he summoned the rangers and Grace to review the information.

Billy plugged the flash drive into the computer and opened up all the available files. As he continued to browse, a frown developed on his face, "This doesn't make sense", he began, "this is just a collection of old police reports".

"Really old", Sasha pointed at the most recent one that their technical expert had opened. "July 24 1823, reports of a disturbance at the Silver Hills cliffs", he read out loud. "Report of a ghost sighting dismissed by investigating officers as the insane rantings of a madman or drunk".

"And another", Charlie continued, "October 6 1968, reports of a spirit nearby the entrance of a cave near the cliffs. Officers determined that the woman who reported this was under the influence of an illegal substance, probably LSD".

"There's a least a hundred files on here", Billy stated, "and I bet they're all exactly the same", he leaned back in his chair and sighed as the files continued to open.

As the files continued to open, Merrick was beginning to notice a pattern. Then a screenshot of a poorly designed website flashed up, "Stop it there Billy", the silver ranger instructed. He looked at the image and began to smile, "I knew I recognised this from somewhere".

"Dude, your making even les sense than usual", Sasha stated to his team mate. He gazed over the website himself, "It's just the same information as the Police reports, some couple thought they saw a ghost of a little girl near the rocks of Silver Hllw beach".

"But look at the author", Merrick pointed at the screen name 'LoneWolf'. "Don't you get it, I am LoneWolf", he smiled broadly at them.

There was silence in the room for a few moments before Zen burst out laughing, "Merrick all that confirms is that you've got an overactive imagination".

"No, well yeah I do", the silver ranger began , "but this is more than that. I didn't put everything together until now but me and Zen are ancient". Charlie nudged Billy out the way and began to scan some of the Police reports, "See others reported see ghostly girl as well", she pointed out.

"So", Billy shrugged, "one report from 1988 also stated that someone danced the tango with the ghost of Elvis".

"Alright so some of them were probably crazy, or drunk or really high but this is more than a coincidence", Sasha replied. "Come on, surely it makes sense that the Gem of Souls would be guarded by zombie ninjas".

"In your head maybe", Charlie snorted.

"No, I think she's onto something", Grace cut in front of her fellow red ranger.

"Don't you mean on something", Merrick chuckled to himself.

"I've seen some weird stuff as a ranger", Billy began, "I've learned not to dismiss anything, no matter how stupid it sounds". Sasha and Zen still weren't convinced, "It might be worth checking out, if there's nothing there then we haven't lost anything".

"So you're actually going along with my idea", Merrick smiled broadly, "sweet, I've finally had a good idea".

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves", Billy tried to temper the silver ranger's excitement, "Grace, keep searching just in case Merrick's wrong". Billy said.

"Wait, you're coming with us?" Sasha asked.

Billy nodded, "If this cave does contain the Gem of Souls then you might need all the help you can get". He led the group towards the exit of Power chamber on board the Gotengo, "Be prepared for anything".

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