Season 1 finale

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The world was spinning. Sounds from all around were washed out as if under water. And a high pitched ringing filled the air. Sasha blinked over half a dozen times to clear her eyes and tried to push herself up onto her hands and knees, to no avail.

The vibration in the ground of thunderous footsteps drew her attention, though she could do little more than lift her head to try and see what was happening through the hazy windows that were her eyes. But she spotted a large dark shadow soaring over her followed by a much larger one which came dangerously close to stomping into next millennium before disappearing behind her.

The Male landed beside the nest and was shoved out of the way by the Female who placed her arms to either side of it and knelt down for a closer look.

All of the eggs had either burst or were burned black. For all the protective mucus covering them, the explosion seared it all away. Not a single orange orb was left unscathed. And not a single embryo which had remained intact did more than sizzle as smoke rose from their tiny bodies. The Female could smell them. Her offspring. She called to them quietly, hoping for an answer. But silence was her only reply. She called again... Nothing.

The Male's head dipped as the Female continued calling in vain to her children.

Sasha's head finally cleared enough for her to force herself to stand up and move to a more secure location between some buildings to watch. And as she observed the Female's anguished cries and desperate attempts to wake her childrens he couldn't help but sense a sharp pain in her wrist. It was her fried morpher. The Male tried to come closer to nuzzle the Female, but she used her shoulder to shove him away and roared harshly at him before continuing her efforts to get a response from the nest.

Sasha's hand gripped the side of the building as she leaned against it and felt a sickening feeling building in her stomach with the female's mournful cries echoing around her.

But Sasha didn't have much time to think about that as a blue light began creeping up through the streets. Initially she didn't take any notice of it. But as it grew brighter she could no longer ignore it. Looking up the road towards the source that feeling in her stomach vanished and was replaced by an urge to run. But with her left leg injured from the explosion the best she could manage was a slow jog with a bit of a limp into the alley and around the back side of the building she'd been hiding behind as she headed towards the rendezvous point to help the rangers deal with the nuke.

The Male was the first to notice the light creeping up on them and sounded an alarm before opening his wings to leap up and back on top of a large building nearby. The Female whipped around and shrieked at the top of her lungs while stomping her legs repeatedly into the ground.

Godzilla's eyes, neck, mouth and spines flickered with blue energy and steam as he stomped towards them through the already trampled and broken streets of San Francisco. The Male MUTO began raising both his arms as a red pulse flew through his body, but Godzilla let fly and caught the Male's front claws mere feet from the surface of the building roof it was seated on which almost immediately burned and blew them clean off turning them into pathetic little stubs as the male stumbled forward and fell off the building from the lack of frontal support following the momentum of his swing.

Watching her mate fall and screech in agony while now lacking the front claws he used for the EMP threw the Female into a frenzy as she further slammed the ground and raced towards Godzilla at full speed. Godzilla let fly once more with his atomic breath and aimed low to catch the Female's legs. But having seen the same strategy against her mate she leaped up and over the breath and raised her front arms ready to slam them into his neck. Godzilla's head lifted, and the beam trailed upwards searing her lower legs, followed by her stomach and slowly stopped her forward momentum before lifting her higher into the air and sending her flying backwards into the ground right on top of the ruins of her nest.

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