Gigan Rex part 2

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Not for the first time in the last 24 hours, Kira cursed the name of the Kiryu Force. Not only had the Oliver bitch gained the powers of the white ranger but her failure had seen her stock fall in the eyes of her Lord. Under the pretence of helping her with the search, Drakkon and Connor had come to Angel Grove as well. The dark witch didn't mind the powerfully built man. What really bothered her was the fact that Drakkon had lost faith in her to follow orders. She was sure that she would suffer for some time under some of the Dark Lord's torture techniques.

As soon as the sun was up, the pair resumed their search for the Gotengo. Their search had led them to a desert on the outskirts of the city but so far, they had come up empty handed. They took a quick break on the edge of a cliff looking down into a small dusty valley. It was then that Connor spotted something. The dark witch took a closer look, it was that talking sword from the cave. She was about to jump down when Drakkon stopped her, "Wait, this must be a trap", he said.

"Of course it's a trap", she snapped back, "the Oliver bint wouldn't misplace her sword after just a day", she fixed the man with a freezing glare, "don't you believe that the powers our Lord gave us can defeat those costumed blood traitors". Kira smiled when her companion looked away, it was a low blow mentioning the Dark Lord but it had the desired effect.

The pair dissolved into a cloud of black smoke and quickly reappeared near the sword. It was lying on its side on a flat piece of rock. Connor reached out to grab it but his hand went straight through, "What kind of magic is this?" he bellowed as the sword and rock slowly shimmered away.

"A little bit of an illusion" they both recognised the voice of the green ranger instantly. The Kiryu Force slowly appeared opposite them, all with their morphers ready, "You were right Sash, they're not the sharpest tools in the box".

Kira snarled and glared at the new white ranger, "I see you somehow managed to afford a new outfit", she commented on Sasha's new white top, "it just makes you look even more pasty".

"And those corsets make you look like a hooker", Sasha replied sweetly.

The dark witch was furious and literally shook with rage. The rangers looked on as Kira morphed into Dino Thunder Yellow, However the logo was different, the helmet black with glowing red eyes and there was tendrils all over the suit giving it s corrupter look, "That's possibly the grossest thing I've ever seen", Zen gagged on every word". Connor morphed into Dino Thunder Red, his suit looked like Kira's with the tendril and black helmet with red eyes, However his had the trademark death ranger smile on the mouthpiece.

"I think we know where this is leading", Merrick looked over at the white ranger, "ready to go?" she smiled and flashed her Tiger Morpher, "It's Morphing Time".

Ginny began her morphing sequence by crouching low with her left arm pointed towards the ground and thrusting her right hand forward,

"Tiger Zord"

" Dragonzord"

" Wild access"

The White ranger had golden bands around the top of their boots and gloves. A heavy golden belt sat around their waist with a couple of thinner bands around their biceps. Across their chest was a piece of black armour with the golden tiger motif. The armour extended to a golden pair of shoulder pads. The helmet had golden marking to give the appearance of a tiger's face, the green ranger had the same white suit and chest armour with shoulder pad except her's was green instead of black and her helmet was the mmpr green ranger helmet, Merrick was the same too except Silver instead of black and his helmet was his silver ranger wolf helmet, and Zen had the same except her chest armour was yellow, her helmet was a golden Coyote helmet, also she had a skirt for some reason.

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