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On the outskirts of the main dome sat the Hartford Mansion. The house was surrounded by an imposing ring of steel and concrete designed to keep out almost anything that the world could throw at it. Along with the impressive house came an equally impressive private parking lot filled with several brand new and expensive cars. Sitting behind the wheel of a shiny black Mercedes was Nokrea, however, cars was the last thing on his mind.

Psycho pink had the car's sun visor down to utilise the small mirror built into the fabric. Nokrea winced the moment she saw the purple bruise on her jawline, "Fuck SPD you really pack a punch", she groaned. Along with the swelling bruise, there was a black eye slowing forming and some dried blood underneath her nose. Using a bottle of water stashed in the cup holder, Nokrea swilled a bit in her mouth before spitting the contents out the window. The bleeding in her mouth must've stopped as the liquid on the ground was perfectly clear.

Not too concerned about the car she borrowed, Nokrea tore off some fabric from the passenger's seat. Using the water bottle again, she dabbed some cool liquid on to the leather before patting the blood on her nose. "Son of a bitch", she swore as a stabbing pain shot through her nose.

The moment Axe laid his eyes on Nokrea, he let out a small snort of laughter, "Well if it isn't psycho pink", the Asian man chuckled.

"Nah, I'd call her the purple ranger personally", Phonton added. Nokrea smiled sarcastically in responded and promptly flipped him off, "Ooh someone's touchy tonight", Psycho Black continued, "I take it she didn't put out?"

"Guys knock it off alright", she snapped, "at least pretend you're civilised human beings".

Nokrea noticed Virgil reach underneath the pool table and wondered what he was doing, "Think fast", Psycho red cried.

Nokrea was slightly relieved to see that it was a bottle of beer coming her way until she realised that getting hit by a glass bottle would still really hurt. Instinctively she stuck out a hand and effortlessly plucked the bottle out the air, "She's not concussed", Phonton sniggered and returned to his game of pool.

"Yeah cause that's exactly how a doctor perfoms a concussion test", Nokrea grumbled. Deciding to ignore the red and black psycho rangers, she wondered over to the sofa and plopped down next to Axe. She always knew what was on his mind though. Like now for example as Axe had an amused look in his eyes, "Not you too Sailor Mercury", she sighed, "you were my last hope for a grown up conversation".

Axe shrugged dismissively before plucking the cap off Nokrea's beer with his bare hands. Psycho pink took a long drink from the bottle then placed the chilled glass against her throbbing jaw, "Still doesn't put you in my good books", she snorted towards the blue ranger.

"This rivalry is getting a little old", Nokrea sighed, "can't we all just get along".

"Get along?" Photon snorted, immediately forgetting about his game, "if I recall you know we were created to destroy the power rangers".

Nokrea winced internally, she knew that would come back to bite her, "Yeah and look where that got us", she replied pragmatically.

"They got lucky", Virgil grunted.

"No we got beaten", Nokrea said firmly, "we would get to the bottom of this mystery much quicker if we asked for help".

"Yeah look how far that got you today", Photon said sarcastically, "face it, we're on our own here".

The mood became despondent in the room as the Psycho rangers suddenly realised how much trouble they were in.

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