Chapter 83 - Out of control *

Start from the beginning

I do not get how that female thinks. Is she not even worried for the wolf beast? Or she already knows what is going to be the outcome of this fight?

Tarik watches Zale's every move. This beast is used to play dirty. Not that it bothers Tarik but he loved it. He growls, his sharp canine teeth showing. The more difficult and challenging it is, the more he's encouraged to fight back.

He pounces Zale for the third time but everything was different now. Zale is fighting back. He swings his tail to hit Tarik who swiftly avoids it. He would be seen pouncing every now and then but he can gracefully avoid every attempt Zale is doing to fight back. Everybody can hear the loud snap of his every attempted bite and even the loud thuds his tail makes when he swings it. But Tarik easily avoids all of it. His agility and speed makes everything a blur for the others while watching. He even taunts and ridicule how slow Zale's movements are by standing on his scaly back, making him angrier, making him use more strength with every hit but still fail.

"His agility and speed improved greatly wife. We better give him a heavier set after this. And more training for his fire manipulation." Dumu said as he was getting bored for the fight is taking longer as he expected.

Asha nods but her eyes are still focused on the fight. She cannot hide the grin on her face as the fight continues. Everyone can see that Zale's movements are getting slower. He can't avoid all of Tarik's claws, but his thick scales are protecting him perfectly, making all of Tarik's attacks not dangerously fatal for him. If he doesn't have those thick scales, he would have been left with deep scratch marks and bleeding profusely.

"Just a little bit more... wait for the right moment Tarik... be patient...."

The others heard what Asha whispered to herself, making them watch closely what she is expecting to happen. They didn't hear what she said to Tarik before the fight, but they all knew that it wasn't just encouraging words for Tarik to hear, but a way to win the fight the safest and easiest way. Asha has been always good at planning and at strategies. One example that everyone can make of is their battle with the savage giants.

Zale made a loud thump on the sand with his tail, making sand get thrown up in the air to surround his body when he saw Tarik attempt to pounce again. He thought he was successful to hide himself from him and wait to bite back but he was surprised when Tarik swished his tail to remove the sand midair and scatter them towards Zake's line of sight, blocking his view.

Asha's blood is pumping with excitement when she saw the opportunity for Tarik to make his move. And just like that, Tarik bared his fangs, his mouth wide open to bite, as he aims for Zale's neck from above. He maneuvered swiftly his whole body to a twist when he descends from a high jump he quickly did to avoid Zale's attempt to bite.

Everyone watched as Tarik has bitten Zale in a tight grip on his neck. Zale was flipped over as Tarik used his body's momentum to overthrow this crocodile's massive body and slam it on the sand. Tarik's bite on his neck was locked as he run and drag Zale's body towards the rocky part of the mountainside, making Dylan's group to run away to avoid getting included in this ruckus.

Tarik already knew that slamming Zale on the sand would do little damage because of his thick scales that's why he tighten his bite on his neck more as he slams Zale's body on the rocky mountain repeatedly. They can all see rocks flying with every collision of Zale's body against the hard rocky mountain. Tarik didn't stop swinging, he continued to slam Zale's back over and over. With successive massive abuse from the slams on his body, Tarik successfully have Zale rendered helpless, as he continues his attack, the rocky mountain is now getting pulverized with every slam.

"We admit defeat! Please make him stop! I beg you!"

Isla was sobbing as she watch her mate getting beaten.

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