Chain of Patience

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Their rite. It had to be connected to Deez's miraculous recovery. It was the only thing that made sense to her. Still, she'd feel more confident with Yensid's confirmation, or at least thoughts on the matter.

"Master Yensid, my Lord, sorry to interrupt, but we are in need-" she squeaks as she's suddenly grasped and lifted off the ground.

"What happened?" Hades demands with a shake, "you smell like blood, and the Momma Squid gasped."

"Put. Her. Down." Harry demands before his eyes widen as he notices where the god's hands were, "an' be watchin' her arm!"

"I'm sorry for the alarm, my Lord, but there has been a turn for the better in your daughter's state." She offers quickly before Hades could snap at her Prince.

"Oh?" Yensid asks as he walks up beside the god, "if you don't mind, Lord Hades, I would be interested in hearing this after you've returned Faustina to her feet."

"And the blood?" Hades glares in her face.

"I was in the middle of receiving a tattoo that you are currently grasping, my Lord."

Hades' eyes widen as he drops her unceremoniously out of alarm. "You? You got a tattoo?" He looks down at his hand, "and I touched it!"

"Sorry, my Lord, I know you aren't particularly fond of-"

"What are you doing, Guyliner? I don't know what's on my hands! Go get something to make her not die."

She blinks in surprise at the god's concern.

Harry pales, "right!" He screams before he turns on his heels and runs.

"Also ew."

Her lip twitches, ah, there it was.

Yensid pulls a cloth from his bag before he rips it in half, handing one section to Hades before he douses the other in a clear liquid and hands it to her, "this should help."

She smiles as she wipes the smeared blood from her arm, "thank you."

"Mortals and their body modifications." Hades grimaces as he roughly cleans his hands, "modifications. Like you all don't leak enough strange fluids."

She shakes her head before she turns to Yensid, "you asked us to inform you if anything strange happened after our rite, and with the timing..."

"What changes have you noticed in Deez?" Yensid asks as he steps forward, bag clutched to his chest, "I am hoping it's something good, since you stated a turn for the better."

Her cheeks burn, "I'm afraid I didn't take the time to fully assess much more than her healing."

"I see." Yensid looks from her to Hades, "would you mind waiting here for a moment for Harry to return while I check on your daughter?"

Hades turns his glare to Yensid, "yes-"

"My apologies, my Lord, but as much as I appreciate the concern for your daughter, I doubt it would be well received at the moment."

Hades growl rumbles through the room, "fine. Fine. It's cool." he turns to Yensid and points a finger in his face, "but you better tell me everything the second you walk back."

"Who am I to deny the Lord of Death." Yensid offers, unable to do much about the mirth sparkling in his eyes. "Faustina?"

She eyes the god with a frown, "I think it best that I linger for the time being."

Yensid nods, "as you wish." He offers before he departs.

She waits several moments before she steps forward and boldly places her hand on Hades arm, "I appreciate your patience and understanding, my Lord. I can only imagine how frustrating and confusing this must be for you."

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