Lost and Paranoid

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He was embarrassed by how much of a difference it was.

Hoodie versus no hoodie.

He'd wanted to deck Senior for even-

He sighs.

It didn't matter.

It's not like he'd made him do it, but still.

The thought of taking off all his layers had shot ice through his veins.

He wasn't sure if it was just because it was Deez and Gil- Or if just anyone seeing them in general.

Either way, it had left him feeling off his game and uneasy.

He eyes Deez and Gil through the stiff rain.

If it weren't for the random flashes of green, it would have been impossible to see anything.

Even with the lightning, they had to walk in a tight line or risk losing sight of each other.

Gil still had a bump on his head the size of an egg- which, yeah, not fucking good.

Deez, though fixed, was still pointedly mad at them and looked just as bad as Gil in the sleep department.

And as loathe as he was to admit, he wasn't in top condition either. Not if Gil looking over his shoulder in concern several times a minute was any indication.

Then again, he didn't have the best track record of listening or following instructions, so there was a chance it was just that.

That Gil thought he was a flight risk.

He was trying so hard not to think about what they were doing.

What they were looking for.

Sticking to what coast they could.

Like they were going to-



And then there was that.

Why was she still here? It kinda made sense when he'd been alone but-

You do realize this is my body too, right?

The world spins as he rolls his eyes.

He trips over loose rubble, sliding until he lands hard on his back. He bites back a curse as his landing jars his arm, ignoring the way his eyes water.


Just nope.

How fucking tired was he.

Tired? Or addicted to the ointment I make?

Fuck. You.

Shouldn't have given it all away.

He grunts as he turns to glare up the dark sky above them, though it was hard to see more than maybe a few feet with the rain still pelting them.

When was the last time he even saw the stupid fucking barrier?

How, exactly, do you think you've been functional for so long? Even you don't have that much willpower. So stop pouting and get up. The last thing we need is to think, so appreciate the pain and focus on following.

"You okay?" Deez calls back to him.

Her worried tone makes Gil slow and turn.

Of course she caught that.

He sighs, "I'm good," He grumbles as he turns and carefully pushes himself back up.

"You said you could keep going," Gil frowns.

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