Progress not Perfection

23 1 36


Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

And the vid.

I would've posted this video to Howler, but it hadn't been finished. I know it's pretty boring in comparison to some of the other video's I've made-

But the song is just so Shan Yu... In my opinion. And Dark's.

Don't agree? Let us know!

He sighs as he stands at the top of the cliff, staring out into the water that eventually crashed into the cove.

He was not looking forward to this.

Uma coming to the temple meant he'd really fucked up this time.

There was no way we could foresee Hades feeling the need to drag us to the temple.

Doesn't matter. She's never come out there before. And to drag D and Gil with her? That isn't like her at all.

He couldn't recall a time he'd seen Uma go to the temple.

She'd never had the time to.

Still didn't. Not with the amount of responsibility she was shouldering.

No, I suppose it doesn't.

He frowns as he looks down at the water, tempted to jump.

Don't you dare-

Like I'd ever. He rolls his eyes.

If Deez didn't kill him- One of the others surely would. And they just couldn't afford that right now.

He turns his head to gaze at her sleeping face as it rests on his shoulder with a frown.

Watching her attack the cuffs was never easy-

But this time, the god had been brutal.

Far more harsh.

More vindictive.

They'd tried to stop it.

Him and the imps.

But Senior wasn't listening. At least not to him, though he wasn't sure what Faustina said-

Because it's none of your business.

But you got him to stop.

So be gracious and drop it.

He huffs as he drops his eyes back to the water.

How the fuck do you think she did it?

Care to be more specific?

Got them up here with Gil being dead weight while she had a dislocated arm?

Because she didn't have a choice.

His brow furrows before he nods.

Now stop stalling and get your ass to the base, there is much that needs to be discussed.

No shit, why do you think I'm stalling.

I will navigate down this cliff-

Fine! I'm going- Calm your shit.

He shakes his head before he doubles back and descends the stairs Deez had melted into the rock.

Probably out of 'never the fuck again'.

Which, fair.

He sighs.

Were they already here?

Had he beat them?

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