Dancing Lights

19 1 14

He smiles from the corner of the pool, watching in amusement as the teenagers take the opportunity to actually be teenagers.

Sometimes it was hard to forget that these kids were just that, kids.

It was nice to just watch them be able to let go of their responsibilities, if only for a moment, and rough house with each other.

They'd all grown so much in such a short amount of time it hurt.

It hadn't even been six months since Carlos and his family had been taken to Auradon.


It was hard to think about them as gangs now.

Surreal. That was the only word that came to mind. It was surreal all that had occurred in such a short amount of time. How short of a time he'd been with this makeshift family.

Not even six short months, and yet they seemed to have slowed down into an eternity.

He smiles when his eyes settle on Uma as she shows off her tail to Gil and Deez.

She was such an extraordinary young woman.




It could not have been an easy task to create a family from broken pieces, but she'd somehow managed to put the pieces back so they fit beautifully.

She was a strong leader.

Adept at assessing information presented, and willing to take advice and suggestions.

Something even leaders in Auradon were hard pressed to do.

Faustina's plan, while it still appeared to give Uma pause, was utterly sound and very well thought out.

The rest of the group was ready and more than willing to put the Spider to the test once more.

And now that she'd seen the ring for herself, tested it for any flaws she could think of and better understood how it worked, Uma graciously agreed.

An impressive young lady indeed.

His gaze shifts when Deez giggles.

Another extraordinary girl.




He was still perplexed how a God of Death managed to father a Muse.

Peculiar indeed.

Then again, what about Deez wasn't?

She was a walking paradox.

Wise beyond her years.

Able to assess and make connections based on the slightest cues.

Even he found it difficult to discern if it was natural prowess or one of her abilities.

Going from contemplative to a spitfire in a blink of an eye.

Brave enough to seek him out when no one else had dared.

Only to be insecure in herself the next moment.

It had been nothing short of a pleasure to watch her bloom within the security of her family.

To see her grow into her own skin.

She'd struggled for years with her fire-

He never would have surmised that all it would take for her to gain control was unconditional love and acceptance.

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