Certain Hell

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She'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried.

Harry had been so upset with her-

And she couldn't blame him.

She'd tried so hard to assure them her and T were alright but-

She bites her lip.

And now?

Her concerned eyes sweep over Daniel, who was busying himself with organizing the colorful boxes-

She wasn't sure what to do.

Every time she looked at the boy, it was like she was taken back to the past, especially once he'd adorned the hoodie.

All she could see was T.

And that's not where the parallels ended.

His expressions.


How easy it was for her to understand what he was trying to convey.

It was bizarre.

Was that what was making things so difficult?

They'd passed off so many kids-

Left them to the care of the older kids on the ship.

So, she bites her lip, why did the thought of doing so with Daniel hurt so much?

She'd been so hopeful of a receptive meeting. Hopeful that the others would see how special he was.

Understand that he had survived the unimaginable-

But then everything had gone wrong.

She hadn't even gotten a chance to explain-

She sighs, "Daniel?" she prompts as she joins him, kneeling beside him as she patiently waits for him to finish his self-appointed task.

She smiles when he turns to her curiously, "can we talk for a moment? It's very important."

Daniel frowns as he studies her for a moment before he slowly nods.

"Thank you," she smiles, "I can already tell this isn't going to be easy for you, but I need you to do me a very important favor."

Daniel tilts his head to the side.

"I know you two didn't get started on the best terms, but, Captain Uma is our leader. She keeps us all safe, and has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. Everyone has to listen to her, okay? Even T. Do you understand?"

Daniel's eyebrows come together in a furrow before he points to himself.

She nods, "exactly, it's really important to me that you listen and do as she asks."

Daniel points to the ground before he looks up at her, points at himself and then at her.

She bites her lip as she drops her eyes, "Captain Uma, Harry, Deez, and Gil, they're our family. They chose us, and we chose them." She bites her lip, "but-" she looks up at him, "I don't know how they're going to-" her teeth sink into her lip, "take to you, and unfortunately due to my mistakes we haven't exactly started out on the best foot here." She admits, "so, I need you to be on your best behavior while I try to figure this out, okay?"

Daniel nods as he stands and gently pushes her until she swings her legs around to sit down before he crawls into her lap and rests his chin in his hands.

She smiles as she runs her hand through his hair, "I appreciate any help you can offer, Little Demon."

She just-

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