Good and Evil

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She drums her fingers across her lap for what felt like the hundredth time.

How had everything gone so wrong?

She'd been careful. She'd planned out every last detail.

She'd calculated risks. Negated them as much as she could.

Accepted responsibility when she couldn't.


Her Baby Girl.




Her eyes narrow.


The bane of the isle's existence, and the savior.

She bounces to her feet and starts pacing, anything to stop her mind from being overactive. From showing her debilitating images.

She could feel Yensid's eyes following her.

"Captain, they have her." He reminds her lightly. "Harry and Gil are returning her home to you. James and Beam are going to meet them. They'll be back soon enough." He reminds her, though the grim expression etched in his face is far from comforting. "She's alive," His tone sends a shiver down her spine, "that's what we should be focusing on."

"I know that!" She snaps before she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Snapping at the old man was not a solution to her problem.

Yensid nods, as always unperturbed by her temper. "I know you do." He sighs as he stands up and walks over to her, his warm hand squeezing her shoulder gently, "but reminders never hurt."

"I do appreciate it." She takes another deep breath, "I do."

He squeezes her shoulder again, "I know how difficult, how painful this waiting is. I really do think it might be best for you to drink some tea to calm your frayed nerves. But I also understand it would be hard to keep down."

"I can calm down after I see her." She bites her lip as her hands form into fists.

He nods sagely with a deep frown, "as you wish Captain."

She replays the night in her head, unable to help the self torment.

"How did this happen?" She covers her face with her open hands as she shakes her head, "She was fine. Just fine. And then-" She closes her eyes tightly.

Anything to keep the tears at bay.

"She was gone-" her voice cracks as she fights the tears. "Just gone. And now she's hurt. So hurt, T's scared!"

T never admitted when he was scared. That one thing, one line in a hasty letter, had her more worried than anything else.

"What do we do if Mim survives?" She asks.

That seemed like a concern she should have, and one she'd rather think about right now.

His face darkens, "then I will take my leave and deal with her."

Her hands close around his wrists, "No!"

They couldn't lose him.

He was the only adult any of them ever trusted.

The only reason the ship was still afloat after the isle tried to kill them all.

She needed him to help her save everyone.

His lips twitch into the smallest of smiles, "it touches me greatly, your concern for me. However for the good of the family, for the good of the children you saved, I would. You have all sacrificed so much. I would not be able to live with myself if I did not see to this matter. I know I am old, but I am still more knowledgeable in the art of magic. And as much as it might seem unbelievable to you, especially under these circumstances, I assure you in the end good always triumphs over evil."

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