My Bad

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My Bad, like, literally.

Stop! I think that's it!

He pauses as his hand hovers over a beaten leather-bound book.


I mean, you're going to have to open it-

He rolls his eyes as he leans over and flips it open to scan the pages.

Yes! This is exactly what we've been-

He freezes as he hisses at her to shut up.


He shoves the journal in his bag before he slips behind the door and presses his back to the wall.

What? What is it? What's wr-

He holds his breath as the door opens.


He rolls his eyes.

Yeah, oh.

His dart pierces the Captain before the door even has time to shut, stepping out of the shadows as the man falls to the ground.

This one he wouldn't feel bad about.


Why? He asks, blade ready to pierce the man.

He might have information-


Yes, seriously. He might have-

He rolls his eyes as he buries his dagger into the man's throat.


He lifts his brow at the growl.

What the fuck was her problem?


What the hell did I just say?


And what, pray tell, is stupid about wanting to collect information?

Um, all of it? I mean, thanks for the confidence in me, but uh, are you fuckin' insane? What about me is more intimidating than Yu exactly?

Intimidation is not the only method of collecting delicate information-

Yeah, well I ain't much of a liar either.

Idiot, there are more clever ways to clean a fish.

Yeah, and there are cleaner ways to get dead than Uma finding out we got caught on a fucking mission because we tried to- to do what the fuck ever to one of his fucking Captains or the fuck else this prick's rank is.

He shakes his head when she hisses her frustration in defeat.


His eyes shoot open at the sound of a creak-

"Captain-" paper shuffles, "I need to go over these-"


He lunges and covers a hand over the man's mouth just barely cutting off his scream and brings him to the ground.


He shoves his blade into the man's chest.

-so much for fucking subtle.

Way to fucking go Tina, he rolls his eyes, as he wrestles to keep his hand over the struggling man's mouth.

Why didn't you just use the dart?

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