Bleed it Out

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"Don't. You. Dare."

He scowls.


He turns on his heels, "I wasn't doin' anything." He denies.


"Uh huh," Uma nods as she crosses her arms over her chest, "and I ain't giving you the opportunity neither."

He closes his mouth, "was jus' goin' for a walk, don't tell me you don't wanna go for a swim."

The last several hours had been exhausting.

He still couldn't believe the condition they were in.

He was going to rip out Yu's throat with his teeth.

Fuckin' sadistic prick.

Uma frowns before her arms slowly fall to her sides, "wanna go swimming with me?"

He studies her for a moment, wishing he could just say no and hunt down Shan Yu like the bitch he was.


He had a camp full of healers.

And he worked them-

One of them literally, to the bone.

He was fucking pissed.

But Uma-

He sighs, he wasn't sure Uma could handle him leaving right now either.

He shifts in indecision.

He'd already pushed her pretty far, and she hadn't even yelled at him yet.

His eyes sweep to her face.

She looked fucking exhausted.


He could run.

Knew he would beat her-

Satisfy his need to hurt something-

Break something-


Not her.

Not when she already looked so close to breaking.

He and Harry put her through the ringer with, unnecessary in his opinion, worry.

Like he'd let fucking Harry get hurt again.

"I- I want us to regroup. I know you learned a lot more about the camps."

And then had spent several hours patching up the healers.

"Right now?" He frowns. "Shouldn't that wait 'til, I don't know, you don't look like shit run over?"

Uma sighs, "we all look like shit, Problem Child. An' yeah, it can wait a little, but not very long."

His frown deepens, "like the mornin' after you sleep?"

She bites her lip as she looks at him with uncertainty. "Last time I slept, I woke up with you and Harry gone. Promise me that won't happen this time. That you'll stay. You and Harry both."

He snaps his mouth shut.

"Bitch move." He sighs in defeat.

"I will be the ultimate bitch if it means I don't develop a fear of falling asleep." Uma states, the words sounding playful, but her tone was lackluster.

She was dead on her feet.

He shakes his head.

Damn it.

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