Patience is a Virtue

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Where was she?

He'd expected her to show up when he got to the first camp but-


Not so much as an insult.

Had he done something to her again? Or was this because-

His eyes sweep over Harry's face.

It was fucking insane.

Like he hadn't had his head nearly cleaved in half.

His jaw tenses at the memory, or more truthfully, the bits he could remember.

There was a reason he'd been so accepting of Beam's leash.

He'd been on a fucking war path that night. He wasn't even sure how many had taken the brunt of his anger.

Which in and of itself was concerning.

He could still taste the hot bitterness in the back of his throat at the thought of what could've been.

The pit in his stomach.

The way ice pumped through his veins.

Harry had almost been killed.


The acknowledgement was-


What the fuck would he do without Hook?

The one that always had his back.

Who had patience with all his shit.

Laughed with him.

Sparred with him.

Bantered and...

Took care of him despite all his bitching.

He'd never admit it out loud.

Not with a knife to his throat.

But, he could admit now that he liked it.

Craved it even.

Another item on the growing list of fears he hadn't known he had until last night.

It wasn't the first time Harry had been nearly killed on his watch-

A thought that made his stomach turn.

But, in the end, what was he without Hook?

Without any of them.

He needed to be needed.

To have a purpose.

He slips his hand into his pocket and grips the black orb.

Because he was real.

He was his own person.

Faustina may have created him somehow-

But he'd somehow become real.

Really real.

Something he'd been questioning for months dissipated with his Ume's thoughtfulness.

He blinks when warmth suddenly floods him.

She loved them so much.

All of them.

He knew that-

Just like he knew, Uma had probably been browbeating herself into coming up with a way to prove to him, he was real.

His lip twitches.

They all probably had.

It was an amazing feeling.

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