Demons in the Dark

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He grimaces as he looks down at another explosion.

When the others went down, he went up.

Out of concern.

That was it.


They needed Senior to win.

Needed it.

Fuck only knew what would happen if the witch actually managed to defeat the god.

He takes a deep breath.

He never thought he'd have to pray for a god to beat a witch, but here he was.

We need to write to Uma.

Shouldn't we wait for-

No. We need to write to her now. She has to be beside herself with worry. Harry and Gil looked dead on their feet. They're no doubt going to take another round of Rush. Which will most likely impair them with how focused they are on getting Deez to safety.

What the fuck does that mean, impair them?

Rushes affects the adrenal system and forces it to release adrenaline. You more than most know what that can do during high stress situations. Tunnel vision being my primary concern, if someone runs across them while they're so focused on getting Deez to safety, they need protection and Uma will send it.

How the hell did she always notice shit like that?

Because you're usually focused on the ocean, while I take my time to admire the fish.

Right. He sighs. I think you should probably write it. He frowns as he pulls the notebook out of his bag.

In agreement twice on the same day? Is it the end of the world?

Kinda feels like it.

Sorry, bad taste.

I didn't know you could admit when you were wrong.

Mistakes are good to learn from.

He can't help his grin. Make it three.

That's a new record.

Here. He pulls out a pen. Just fucking write.

Aye. Aye.

He nods as his eyes go back to the fight.

He never thought he'd have to worry about Senior.


Fuck, he didn't realize he even cared about Senior.


When the fuck had that happened? The others were going to be so pissed if-

No, when they figured it out.

He shrinks. That wasn't going to be a fun day.

He was suddenly grateful he shared a body with Faustina. It wasn't like they'd kill her for his-

I wouldn't be too grateful.

His eyes narrow, why?

I'm worried too...

Great. He frowns.

That was just perfect. He rolls his eyes.

Harry and Gil will see to Deez. They'll make sure she gets home safe. But we, as in everyone, really need to know the outcome of this battle. I know the others aren't a fan of Hades for, well, obvious reasons, but Mim winning would be far worse.

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