Don't get too excited-

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To our epic readers,

I just wanted to take a moment to apologize for our lack of updates.

As you guys know, Dark usually does the updates because I don't have the patience to change the format four different times for one chapter, but-

She's been down and out for the count.

I'm sure we've mentioned it before, but Dark has several autoimmune conditions and just got hit with the plague for the second time.

I can't say she's doing well, but thank fucking god I can say she's getting better. Slowly.

As her bestie, I've been in a constant state of worry about her.

This round was definitely worse than the last and has caused drastic effects that don't seem to be going anywhere any time soon.

So, if we take longer than normal to post/update or whatever it's called, we both truly apologize but there's very little we can do apart from manage the symptoms at the moment...

Add to that she still has to watch an autistic child, toddler, and four-month-old puppy, it's been a fucking shitshow on her health.

We really do love and appreciate all of you-

And for our patrons, we are so fucking sorry. We had no idea how hard it was going to be to keep writing and meet our promise.

I don't even know how to sign in to the damned site to update shit, let alone navigate it.

It's been a major stressor on both of us, and dropping it was never our intentions.

That being said, we will do our best to make it up to you guys-

I just can't say when, with shit, how it is.

All I can give you guys is that our posts will be more regular again-

At least on Wattpad, Ao3, and

For those of you dedicated enough to basically give us donations-

We thoroughly understand if you unsubscribe.

Swear we're doing our best to get this out to you guys-

Much love, appreciation, and apologies



Thank you all for being so patient and awesome about this, assuming there are any of you that haven't given up on us or the story.

God, I hope at least some people are still interested in this. We pour everything into writing this story and sacrifice so much.

We really want to make sure it's as perfect as possible for you all.

Sorry for all the disappointment.

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