The Highs and Lows of Waiting

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Uma reads over the report several times with suspicion.

She didn't trust it.

Why hadn't Faustina delivered the news herself?

"Who gave this to you?" She asks as she glances up from the page.

Dizzy blinks, "T."

She takes a deep breath. Beside her, Harry and Gil groan.

"I see." She passes the report to Harry before she pushes herself to her feet, "thank you, Diz. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Dizzy steps slightly to her side, her face scrunched with worry as she stares at Deez, "Can I-" she bites her lip, "I'm sorry- But Celia, Freddie and I are all," she shifts in discomfort, "is she going to be okay?"

"Yeah," Gil volunteers with a tone that none of them dared to question.

Her lips twitch, "aye." she nods, "she just still needs some time to heal."

"But she got hurt." Dizzy says as she wrings her hands together.

Gil nods, "but it ain't nothin' we can't handle," he pauses, "but, I'll make sure you guys find out when she's better." His eyes narrow before he grins and turns to her, "is it okay if they borrow Deez's book 'til she wakes up?"

She smiles as she turns back to Dizzy, "I don't see why not, though I'll have ta talk to the three of ya 'bout not tellin' the others everything you read. But it would also be helpful for ya'll to have it so you can report on things you're making."

Dizzy's eyes light up as she lunges at her and traps her in an excited embrace, "thank you, thank you, thank you. It's been so hard. First with Evie, then with Deez being busy, and now this. I miss her so much."

She hugs the girl tightly, "it has been hard, hasn't it. You've been so busy lately, I haven't gotten a chance to check in on you." She frowns, "sorry about that."

Dizzy pulls back and looks up with her with glassy eyes, "it's okay Captain," she offers with a small smile. "You guys have been working so hard to rescue people and keep us safe. I'm okay, really. I just-" Her lip quivers, "I know it's been hard for everyone."

"Here ya be, Tiny Princess, one book o' talkin' ta all o' us." Harry playfully whaps the notebook down on Dizzy's head, "ya know, ya can feel free ta be talkin', just be careful like o' when we be out on missions." He chucks her under the chin, "that'ah girl then."

The dazzling smile that lights up Dizzy's face makes her smile.

"Thank you," she pulls the book to her chest and securely hugs it to her. "Really. It's very wicked of you."

She runs a hand over her frizzy hair, "we try. Now, tell the others and let them know the rules, 'kay?"

Dizzy giggles as she nods her head, "thank you!" She chirps before she squeezes her tightly and steps back, "promise I'll let them know." She swears with both hands covering the book where her heart was. "And we'll take good care of it, too." She assures with a surprising amount of seriousness.

She nods with a smile, "I know ya will, Tiny Princess."

Harry walks up beside her as Dizzy hurries away, the moment she vanishes from sight the smile falls from her lips.

"We should be ah checkin' the map."

"That's just what I was thinking." She sighs as Harry leaves to collect the map.

Though she didn't have to see it to know T wasn't at the cove anymore.

Gil frowns as he turns towards Daniel curled on the other side of Deez before he turns back to them, "I'm sure he has a good reason."

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