What's the Difference?

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"Faustina?" She calls out before she knocks on the door, "gotta moment?"

She had no idea what went into herb prep, but like hell was she going to startle Faustina into an injury.

After a moment of waiting, she rolls her eyes.

And she thought Deez got absorbed in her work.

She sighs as she kneels in front of the door and proceeds to work the lock.

At least one of them was easy to find when they disappeared.

She stands when she hears the tell-tale click.

"I'm in the room," She announces as she closes the door behind her.

"Mhmm." Faustina murmurs, interrupting her content humming as she stands at the table cutting up one of her plants.

She frowns at the difference in the room.

Herbs were hanging from the ceiling and beams.

The table was covered in leaves and sticks, as was the board that covered the tub in the corner of the room.

And the floor-

She bites her lip at the discarded scraps.

-had turned into a poisonous game of sharks in the water.

She shakes her head.

Not much grew here, but to see it all in the same room was overwhelming.

She hesitantly steps around the littered floor to stand beside Faustina, her lips pulling into a smile at the other girl's tranquil expression.

She'd seen it before-

Whenever she was just watching them quietly.

It made warmth unfurl in her chest.

To know that they could elicit the same emotions as her passion.

Her escape from-

She shakes her head.


That's not why she was here.


Did Faustina find the same type of solace in them?

"Faustina?" She eventually breaks the silence before she puts her hand on the other girl's shoulder.

Faustina startles before she turns to her with a knife dripping in sap.

"Sorry," she holds her hands up, "you didn't answer when I knocked."

Faustina's face flares red as she drops her knife, "My apologies Captain." She bows her head, before she looks back up. "I didn't mean to-" She steps away.

"I would be more worried if ya didn't have that instinct. Already ain't a fan of you getting so into your projects you lose track of what's happening around ya, but ya ain't the only one."

Faustina's eyes sparkle with mirth as she looks away, "I suppose not."

She smiles before she carefully leans against the table, "So, I just got done talking with Yensid about priorities and tactics."


"Aye, an I have a few things I'd like to run by you."

Faustina's brow furrows, "how can I help?"

"Well, I know how important it is to get Deez to the library and to get T to Yu grounds, but I don't want anyone going out right now. I know we all have the charms that help protect us, but what with your idea about magic light and Harry wanting a way to track the journals, I just think we should focus on that, and maybe help you get some of your brews going? At the very least I'd like to wait for tomorrow morning." She crosses her arms over her chest, "cause like hell is anyone stayin' on the Isle overnight."

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