Finishing Touches

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Ha, for once, I remembered!

Sorry, we've been so scattered, I've just not been in a good place for a while and don't know how to shake it. It's been very infuriationg.


Oh yeah-

She grins as she pours more of her flames against the stone.

-she could totally get how Uma had the confidence to take down three sharks on whatever the hell made Rush.

It was worth the awful taste and the slight nausea.


She couldn't remember the last time using her fire had been so exhilarating.

Or the melting of rock so swift, as if her flames were melting butter.

She was nearly bursting with energy.

But not the nervous kind she was familiar with.

She laughs happily as she loosens her rigid control of her fire, letting it blast full force like she never had before.

Not even in Dragon Hall's library.

As much as she wanted to find the spring hidden somewhere within the stone walls-

She wanted to fulfill Faustina's request more.

She'd thought the idea had been selfish.


But then Faustina suggested it during their walk to the galley, taking her completely off guard.

That was so not the direction she'd expected their conversation to take.

Surprised in all the best of ways.

Like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

And then she'd gotten one of Faustina's precious vials of her new tonic.

Which, woah. Was this what high felt like?

If it was, she could understand why some people chased the feeling.

She certainly felt different, but different in all the best kinds of ways.

Like, she could not only find the hidden source of water but-

Also start and complete a new flute for her Night.

She was kicking herself for thinking she was the only one lamenting its soft melodies.

And Father only knew Gil had to miss it fiercely-

Not that he would bother her with asking.

It would seem none of them were ever comfortable asking for what they desired, short of setting down rules to ensure each other's safety-

And sure it was for their peace of mind-

But it was also for the safety of those they cared about.

Which didn't really count-

At least not in her mind.

Go figure, she was no better than Faustina feeling selfish about being able to return to her work with her herbs.

She giggles.

She could kiss Faustina for all of her contributions tonight.

Especially Rush.

Definitely Rush.

She smiles when she hits another pocket of sand.

Time to switch projects again.

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