S'not what you'd Expect

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Hey guys!

Are you ready for it!?

Cause I definitely am!

Enjoy the Chapter


"No!" Hades glares as he sits up, a rag dropping from his forehead as he pulls a frayed quilt to his face, "Fuck no-"

"Oh, but yes." A wicked grin tugs at his lips.

This was just too perfect-

His only regret?

Not having a camera to catch it.

Senior was laying in a bed that was nowhere near long enough for him, huddled under a mountain of blankets.

With the arranged candles and buckets beside the bed, it looked like Senior was on his deathbed

Pain was flitting around the room sweeping up broken glass and dishes that littered the floor.

T, this is not amusing. He might actually be ill-


He's just being dramatic, again.

Deez is exhausted, there might-

But that's my fucking point-

And what point is that that?

He's always on top of her for how mortal she is- But now? Now, haha motherfucker. There's like, nothing godly 'bout bein' sick-

And there's nothing funny about it either.

Like fuck there isn't!

I'm not saying he isn't getting his just desserts, just that it isn't funny.

"How the mighty have fallen," he snickers as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall.

"I have not fallen," Hades huffs as he crosses his arms and looks away, his eyes darting around the room before he runs a hand over his face and grumbles under his breath.

Fucking child.

I mean...

"Ya sure?" He snorts, "'Cause by the look o' shit, ya look like she should be reading you your final rites."

"Oh you think you're sooooooo funny."

"I mean, s'why ya keep me 'round, ain't it?"

"Speaking of my entertainment-"

"I don't know if you're up for that much excitement," he waves towards the bed, "might be bad for your health."

"Listen here, Firebug, just because this," Hades gestures to himself, "is funny to you, doesn't mean you get a pass at me."

"What? Funny?" He presses his hand against his heart, "You wound me. I would never make fun of someone on their deathbed."

"I am a god of death," Hades says as his voice wavers between the stern god tone, and the one he'd used to scream after Panic earlier, "not on my deathbed."

He looks around the room slowly, "could'a fooled me." He turns to grin at Harry, "What'ah bout you?"

T! Why would you draw attention to him like that?

Second opinion.

This is why no one likes you.

I'll add it to the list.

The Mask: Burdens and ReputationsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora