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Hey Descendants!

We're over here makin' Dark and Twisted Lemon-aid with all the lemons life has been throwing our way...

But if you're reading this, then you are still hooked on our story, and for that, we truly, from the bottoms of our hearts and souls, love you.

We're currently in the process of moving and rearranging things in our lives, so if we don't get a chapter posted every week, I am so sorry. We're trying, and will continue to do our best, to bring you one update a week.

Feel free to push and poke if we fail, knowing you're out there and waiting for the next chapter will defiantly guilt me into being better about posting. Bonus, it works on both of us. :)


We hope you enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to check out Twisted's corner at the bottom of the chapter.

Lots of Love!



"Oh." She blinks as she stares at her nearly empty workroom.

She'd known it was going to be bad when Harry offered to take her down here.

To help carry the empty bottles down for her to use later.


But to see it?

See the evidence?

It made her heart nearly break in two.

She squeezes her eyes shut as she grips the bottles she was carrying closer to her chest.

Just how?

How had they made it through the storm?

Even the papers she had tacked to the walls were shredded.

Not much had survived besides a few shadowed items on the table.

She couldn't say she had expected anything different.

The ship, and its occupants, had gone through hell.

Obviously, judging by how much damage her notes and drawings had taken.

How dinged and dented her table was.

The absence of crates she kept stored in here.

Even with the shattered glass and split wood cleaned up-

She takes a deep breath as her pulse starts rushing, it really put the danger the ship and her crew had been in into perspective.

She was so blessed that they'd survived.

Somehow, despite all the odds, they'd survived.

All of them.

The whole family.

They'd all made it through.


She shakes her head when she feels her vision start to blur.

Just, so blessed.

She steps into the room, needing a distraction from her thoughts. Afraid if she lingered too long in them she'd get lost.

The Mask: Burdens and ReputationsWhere stories live. Discover now