Edge of Darkness

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"Fuck!" He grimaces as his shoulder bounces against the door when his hand slips on the knob.

It was the rain.

He grits his teeth as he drags his palm over his jacket, ignoring the dampness of the fabric.

He wasn't so angry he was sweating.

It was the rain's fault.

He grips the handle, though now his hand was shaking so hard he couldn't twist it open.

New power his ass.

A hand squeezes his shoulder before another helps his hand turn.

"You're not breathin'."

"I ain'nah doin' ah lot o' things." He admits through clenched teeth, holding the door in place as he takes a deep breath.

"She's going to be okay," Gil assures him. "We won't give her a choice."

His forehead clunks against the door.

"Not out here," Gil reminds him softly as he pulls him back, "people are gonna get worried, an' you know she's going to be the first they go to."

He curses himself.

Why hadn't he thought about that?

Uma had enough on her plate as it was, she didn't need to hear the crew questioning if the leadership was okay.

He takes a deep breath as he opens the door, waiting for Gil before he closes it.

Uma's number one, and yet here he was, being reminded of things he should already know.

His gaze sweeps the room before they settle on Yensid folded like a strange bird between the desk and the chair.

"Angel?" Gil calls out in confusion after searching the bed.

"We're under the desk." Faustina returns softly.

"Oh," Gil hangs his head with a soft and exasperated sigh.

That made sense.

Deez seemed drawn to small spaces when she was upset, so of course that's where his Pirate Princess would want her to be right now.

The smile that thought brought to his lips slowly fades as the reason why Deez needed that kind of comfort sinks in again.

"How she be doin'?" He asks as he settles on the foot of the bed, giving Gil space to go check on them first.

"She's stirred a few times, but thus far has been alright." Yensid offers.

Just yesterday they'd been praying to any god, sea or otherwise, that she'd wake up.

Funny how now he was just hoping she'd sleep until they figured out whatever magic could take away memories.

"Does she have to stay under there?" Gil asks with a frown.

He frowns at the small plea before he jumps to his feet,"We can be helpin' ta put her ta bed so the two o' ya can focus on yer readin'," he offers.

The sooner they found the spell or whatever, the better.

"Of course you can move her. She'd probably be more comfortable on the bed with one of you anyways."

Gil sighs as he visibly relaxes.

"Sorry." Faustina sighs sadly. "I didn't mean to frighten you, it was just the best I could do for her."

"Ya ain'nah scarin' us," he pats Gil on the arm as he walks past, more than happy to return the favor.

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