Waiting Game

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His stomach twists tighter as he makes another lap around his old haunt.

The memories of his last meeting with Jay were inciting the bats beating against his ribs to further furry.


Where the fuck was T?

Why hadn't he moved yet?

Where was the scratch he was desperately waiting for.

He ducks into the shadows as another explosion sounds off close enough to rattle the remnants of the windows.

It had been bad enough back then.

Just being worried about T-

But it wasn't just T anymore.

He curls his shaking fingers open and shut.

His mate had his girl in him.


Sea Gods, he fucking hoped they were safe.

He grimaces as a scream pierces the air-

T wouldn't-

He closes his eyes.

Did T know how to not intervene?

He pulls his orb out to check the notebook again.



For the love of any god, sea or otherwise, listening-

Fuck, he'd pray to Senior right now if he thought it would work.

Not like this-

A slight motion on the page suddenly makes the world around him blur.

Fuck yes.

He scrambles from his hiding spot as he stashes the notebook in his bag.

T made it out.

T made it out!

Now they just had to get through the chaos rampaging through the streets of the red lantern district.

All movement in the room halts when the lock keeping them contained in the room clicks.

She glares as Pain and Panic stumble in with trays.

"Oh poor Mistress!"

"We're so sorry Mistress!"

Somewhere behind her, she hears Deez sigh, "it's not your fault."

"We have brought food for you and your followers."

"Please eat! You never eat when you're worried."

"Thanks guys," Gil grins half-heartedly.

She crosses her arms tightly over her chest, eyeing the still open door wistfully, before she turns back to the others.

She'd never make it anyway.

And her Sweet Boy wouldn't be so sweet if she left him behind.

She sighs in defeat before she walks over to join Gil at the foot of the bed.

"We managed to collect more apples, Mistress!"

"When your father releases you, we will make sure to give you some."

She'd never been particularly fond of the imps, but even with how worried and pissed she currently was, she could see their efforts to care for her Baby Girl.

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